The Sci-Fi Fan's Pitstop

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Welcome, to my webpage. All of the files on this page have been collected from the internet and are the property of the respective owners. I think they are some of the best images and sounds that I have found on the web, I hope you agree. Due to limited disk space I was not able to put all of the images or sounds that I have on this page. So, if there is an image or sound that you want and you don't see it here, let me know by submitting a short description of it using the text box at the bottom of this page and I will check my files for it.

People Have Docked Here Since 02.13.97

Last Updated on Thursday, December 9, 1999


Click on the image to go the respective page.

Star Wars Star Trek X-Files

Type in a brief description of the sound file or image and press the submit button.
I will try to respond as quickly as possible, but please be patient. Thank You.


Links to Other Sci-Fi Web Sites

blueball.gif Star Trek homepage
blueball.gif Star Wars in animated ASCII
blueball.gif The Official X-Files Homepage
blueball.gif Something for those of you interested in Area 51
blueball.gif Star Wars picture galleries
blueball.gif The Official Star Wars Homepage
blueball.gif The mother of all Star Trek sites
blueball.gif Trek Today
blueball.gif The SciFi Channel's Home Page
blueball.gif Star Trek Wallpaper
blueball.gif Star Wars Prequel info
blueball.gif The Force.Net



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