Big Guys

Rules regarding Big Guys
The following Big Guys may be taken by the teams listed below. Each team may only have ONE Big Guy(except for Halflings and Goblins, who may each have two)Note that freebooted Big Guy star players do not apply to this limit.

Chaos Dwarf: Minotaur, Troll
Skaven: Rat Ogre
Goblin: Troll
Lizardman: Kroxigor
Chaos: Minotaur, Ogre, Troll
Norse: Minotaur, Ogre
Human: Ogre
Halfling: Treeman
Wood Elf: Treeman
Orc: Troll

Please note that though they are officially part of the teams lineup of available players, the Big Guys above may NOT be taken with the 'That Boy's Got Talent' Handicap Table event

The explainations of the new skills follow the list.
TypeCostMASTAGAVSkills/Traits/Racial Characteristics
Minotaur110k5528Big Guy,Horns,Mighty Blow,Frenzy,Thick Skull,Wild Animal,Always Hungry,Throw Team-mate
Ogre120k5529Big Guy,Mighty Blow,Thick Skull,Bone-Head,Throw Team-mate
Treeman110k26110Big Guy,Mighty Blow,Stand Firm,Thick Skull,Take Root,Throw Team-mate
Rat Ogre130k6538Big Guy,Mighty Blow,Frenzy,Prehensile Tail,Wild Animal
Troll100k4519Big Guy,Regenerate,Mighty Blow,Really Stupid,Always Hungry,Throw Team-mate
Kroxigor130k6519Mighty Blow,Big Guy,Prehensile Tail,Thick Skull,Bone-head
Big Guys

They are all restricted to skills from the General and Strength skill lists.
On doubles, they may choose any skill or General and Strength traits.
Rat Ogres and Minotaurs may also choose Physical abilities on doubles.

Big Guy: This player has a takes up more space than normal(4 squares), and so has a much larger tackle zone. Also, Big Guys may not use team re-rolls.
Always Hungry:If a player with this skill uses Throw Team-Mate, roll 1D6. On a 1, he attempts to eat the player. Roll again, and with a second 1, the player is eaten. On 2-6, he squirms free, and is placed lying down on a randomly selected adjacent square(if occupied, the original occupant is pushed down and back). Note that the player that squirmed free must make an armor check. This does not cause a turnover unless he was carrying the ball.
Bone-head: Roll a D6 before taking any actions for this player. On a 1, they stand around trying to remember where they are and cannot act this turn. In addition, they lose their tackle zone until they roll something other than a 1 on their turn. Note that if a Blitz action was declared for this player, the team loses its blitz action for the turn.
Really Stupid:As Bone-head, but will not act on a 1-3. If a player from the same team(who is not really stupid) is in an adjacent square, a +2 may be added to this roll.
Take Root:Roll 1D6 for the player before each match. On a 1-3, the player is slumbering in a forest somewhere and misses the first half of the match, but will return for the second half.
Wild Animal:Roll 1D6 before attempting any action other than a Block with a wild animal. On a 1-3, he simply stands and roars and the action is wasted.

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