Star Players

The following are all the Star Players allowed in the league. They have been taken from Blood Bowl, Death Zone, and the BB Compendiums.
Note that under the current rules, Star Players may ONLY be hired as freebooters. Also note that even freebooted players may never take your total number of players above 16.
For the most part, any Star listed for Humans will play for Norse and Amazon teams; and any listed for Undead will play for Necromatic teams(Khemri teams may only hire Ramtut III)
To represent the fact that there is only one of each star, the following new rules will apply to Star Players

The players marked with a * have models for them readily available.
Those marked with a # had models made for them in the late 80's. These models may be available on E-bay or through Games Workshop mail order(though not on their web page- call 1-800-394-GAME for info).
Any special rules not found in the rule books are listed at the end.

*Zara the SlayerHumans,Dwarf140k6438Block,Dodge,Jump Up,DauntlessStakes
*Ramtut III(mummy)Khemri,Undead160k5629Block,Mighty Blow,Break Tackle,Regenerate
*Thrud the BarbarianAny Team(freebooter only)50k6629Block,Break Tackle,Horns(his helmet),Mighty Blow,Multiple Block,Thick Skull,Bone HeadEasily Confused,Thrud's Fans
*Morg 'N' ThorgHuman, Chaos, Orc, Goblin190k66310Block,Mighty Blow,Throw Team-mate,Thick Skull
*Mighty ZugHuman120k4529Block,Mighty Blow
*Griff OberwaldHuman180k8448Block,Dodge,Leap,Sprint,Sure Feet
DeathblowHuman170k7449Block,Mighty Blow,Frenzy,Leader
#Wilhelm ChaneyHuman, Chaos140k7438Razor Sharp Claws,FrenzyWerewolf
#Helmut WulfHuman80k6338NONEChainsaw
#Hoshi KomiHuman120k8347Catch,Dodge,Leap
#Gregor MeissanHuman130k7338Catch,Dodge,Diving Catch,Sidestep
Greigor MiessanHuman150k8237Catch,Dodge,Sure Feet,Diving Catch,Sure Feet
Erik KantonaHuman150k7348Dirty Player,Block,Mighty BlowKantona Kick
FangHuman, Undead170k7548Claws,Sprint,Dodge,Frenzy Werewolf
*Count Luthor von DrakenburgHuman, Undead180k6549Block,Dodge,Hypnotic Gaze, Regeneration
#Wishbone (skeleton)Undead70k6327Block,Pro,Regeneration
#Frank N. SteinUndead140k4519Mighty Blow,Stand Firm,Break Tackle,Thick Skull
The Mad Bomber (skeleton)Undead80k5327Regeneration,Hail Mary Pass,Nerves of SteelBombs
Wrag Bonesnapper (ghoul)Undead160k8447Dodge,Sprint,Catch,Diving Catch
*Varag Ghoul-chewerGoblin, Orc160k 6439Block,Jump Up,Leader,Mighty Blow,Pro
*Fungus the Loon (goblin)Orc, Goblin60k4237NONEBall & Chain
*Bommer Dribblesnot (goblin)Orc, Goblin80k6237Dodge,AccurateBombs
*Scrappa Sorehead (goblin)Orc, Goblin, Chaos60k6237Dodge,Right StuffPogo Stick
*Nobbla Blackwart (goblin)Orc, Goblin, Chaos80k6237Dodge,Frenzy,Right StuffChainsaw
*'Ripper' Bolgrot (troll)Orc, Goblin, Chaos150k46110Regenerate,Mighty Blow,Throw Team-mate
#Dirty Dan (goblin)Orc, Goblin, Chaos70k6337Dodge,Stunty,Dirty Player
#Ugroth Bolgrot (orc)Orc100k5339Thick SkullChainsaw
#Geargrinder (cyborc)Orc, Goblin, Chaos Dwarf 130k3529Block,Mighty Blow,Stand Firm
*Lord Borak the Despoiler (chaos warrior)Chaos160k5539Block,Dirty Player,Leader,Mighty Blow
*Grashnak Blackhoof (minotaur)Chaos, Chaos Dwarf160k6629Horns,Mighty Blow,Thick Skull
#Hacker Spleenripper (chaos warrior)Chaos140k5439NONEChainsaw
#Bilerot Vomitflesh (chaos warrior)Chaos130k4529Foul Appearance,Dirty Player
#Dorjak Sureclaw (chaos mutant) Chaos 130k6439Long Legs,Claw
#Gollmen Goreblade (chaos warrior)Chaos130k5439Frenzy,Dauntless
#Withergrasp (chaos mutant)Chaos140k5439Tentacles,Two Heads,Prehensile Tail
#Lewdgrip Whiparm (chaos warrior)Chaos140k5439Tentacles,Pass,Sure Hands
#Slarga Foulstrike (beastman)Chaos110k6338Horns,Extra Arms,Dirty Player
*Zzharg MadeyeChaos Dwarf100k 5329Block,Tackle,Thick SkullBlunderbuss
*Hthark the Unstoppable (bull centaur)Chaos Dwarf180k66210Block,Break Tackle,Sprint,Sure Feet,Thick Skull
Zorn UzkragChaos Dwarf140k4429Block,Tackle,Thick Skull,Mighty Blow
*Grim IronjawDwarf150k5438Block,Mighty Blow,Dauntless,Frenzy,Thick Skull
*The DeathrollerDwarf160k47110Mighty Blow,Stand Firm,Multiple BlockDeathroller
#Barik FarblastDwarf90k 4329Block,Thick Skull,TackleBazooka
#Flint ChurnbladeDwarf110k4329Block,Thick Skull,TackleChainsaw
Drumgrimm QuicksilverDwarf140k6338Sure Hands,Thick Skull,Sprint,Surefeet
GrimranDwarf150k5439Block,Thick Skull,Mighty Blow,Leader
*Horkon HeartripperDark Elf120k6348Dodge,Leap,ShadowPoisoned Dagger
#Tuern RedvenomDark Elf180k7448Block,Dodge,Dirty Player,Tackle,Pro
Roxanna Darknail (witch elf)Dark Elf 160k8357Frenzy,Dodge,Leap,Jump Up,Sprint
Kharesse Melek (witch elf)Dark Elf150k7447Block,Tackle,Frenzy,Dodge,Jump Up
*Prince MoranionHigh Elf140k7448Block,Dauntless
Valen SwiftHigh Elf170k6348Pass,Sure Hands,Safe Throw,Accurate,Hail Mary Pass
Landir YvraceHigh Elf140k6358Pass,Sure Hands,Accurate,Strong Arm
*Jordell FreshbreezeWood Elf150k8357Block,Diving Catch,Dodge,Leap,Sidestep
#Highelm LyrpadeWood Elf130k7447Block,Pass Block
#Eldril SidewinderWood Elf150k8347Block,Dodge,Leap,Catch,Sprint
Clearwater EvergladeWood Elf140k7347Pass,Sure Hands,Dump Off,Safe Throw
Sharproot (dryad)Wood Elf150k5548Block,Gaurd,Mighty Blow
*Deeproot Strongbranch (treeman)Wood Elf, Halfling180k27110Block,Mighty Blow,Stand Firm,Thick Skull,Throw Team-mate
#Puggy Bacon BreathHalfling, Human90k6246Right Stuff,Dodge,Stunty,Sure Feet
Jobo HairfootHalfling60k6236Right Stuff,Dodge,Stunty,Sprint,Sure Feet
Gumbo RanchstockHalfling80k6247Right Stuff,Dodge,Stunty,Kick
*Hakflem SkuttlespikeSkaven130k9347Prehensile Tail,Extra Arms,Two Heads,Dodge
*Headsplitter (rat ogre)Skaven160k6639Mighty Blow,Prehensile Tail
#SkritterSkaven120k7337Sure Hands,Pass,Strong Arm,Accurate
#Rasta Tail-spikeSkaven100k8337Extra Arms,Catch
Naqat QueerSkaven130k7437Foul Appearance,Dirty Player,Tentacles,Block
Katchmi'ifyukan(skink)Lizardmen130k8247Dodge,Stunty,Right Stuff,Block,Dauntless
Silibili(saurus)Lizardmen140k7429Block,Stand Firm,Gaurd
Sokitoomi(krox)Lizardmen180k7629Prehensile Tail,Mighty Blow,Thick Skull,Throw Teammate
*'Lucky' Luc(Unicorn)Amazon160k10448Sprint,Sure Hoofs(sure feet),Horn,Razor Sharp Claws(horn)No Hands
Star Players

Special Rules
STAKEs: +3 to Armor rolls vs all Undead teams, +1 to Armor rolls vs all others; Penalty roll: 10+

EASILY CONFUSED: After each touchdown, and at the start of the second half, roll 1d6. On a 1-3, Thrud thinks he's playing for the other team. The other player takes the Thrud model and treats him as one of his own players(even if this takes him over 16 players). There is no limit to the number of times he can switch sides during a game. This roll must be made even if Thrud is in the dugout or injured.

THRUD'S FANS: Add 3d6 when rolling the gate when Thrud plays. Also, whoever currently controls Thrud adds 3 to his Fan Factor.

WEREWOLF: Any time this player is knocked out, he reverts to human form. For the duration of the game, he is treated as a normal human lineman.

KANTONA KICK(Penalty Roll 9+):Instead of making a block, Erik may make a drop kick against an adjacent opponent. For this attack, he is treated as having the same ST as his opponent(so use one block die). On a pshed back result, the defender steps back from the wild attack and Erik falls and must make an armor roll. On a defender down result, add 3 to the armor roll. On an attacker down result, Erik has hurt himself and must make an injury roll. The penalty roll for this is made immediately after the attack is used.

BAZOOKA: This is treated the same as a blunderbuss.

NO HANDS: Cannot pick up or catch ball

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