Midi by DRAKON

Okay, whether you want them or not =), here are my opinions on the movies that I have seen in the theater or on video.

NOTE: I have decided to take off the pictures of each movie poster. It was a cute idea to start with but it's taking forever to lad the pages now. *I* don't even want to wait for them all to load, so I'm sure people who visit the page don't either...

September 19, 1998

The X-Files

Saw X-files in a dollar theater. Was I impressed? I dunno. It had its moments, but it wasn't anything I'd consider buying once it comes out on video.

Blade was, as expected, gory and fast-paced. It was pretty good. Dunno if we'll buy this one either, though.

July 30, 1998

Have seen lots of movies lately, too busy elsewhere to update the page. Seen Armegeddon (yawn, Deep Impact was definitely the better of the two), Mulan (cute, hilarious movie), Lost in Space (in a dollar theater, was pretty good but then I hated the series as a kid...) And just this week, The Mask of Zorro (had its moments, loved the Friesian horses playing Andalusians) and rented The Lost World (double yawn). So maybe soon I can do a real update to this page and steal movie logos off the net, but right now, I just don't have time...

Also recently had the brilliant idea (ha ha ha) of making a rating system for my opinion on movies. Gee, that was only a year in the making LOL. But I want some kind of really cute, Red Sonja-ish icon to use. Instead of five "stars" I should have.... five swords? Nah, too obvious. Five scalemail bikini tops? Hmmmm. Anyone with ideas feel free to email me, I'll give full credit to ya for the idea if I use it!

July 4, 1998

Quest for Camelot


Even our 3-year-old son was asking to go home after less than 30 minutes.

June 15, 1998

Deep Impact

Very nice. Mind-blowing fx, tear-jerker scenes, hurrah-for-humanity stuff abounds. Typical Spielberg and that ain't a derogatory comment coming from me. =) Definitely one to catch on the big screen.

same night....

also saw Cosmic Voyage at the IMAX. Our first IMAX experience and even though the film itself wasn't exactly what we'd expected it was enjoyable and the media itself was worth the admission price. Going back to see Thrill Ride soon!

May 23, 1998


Heeee's Back! =) Great fx, kewl to see the big guy not looking like a man in a rubber suit. LOL Also kewl that they mentioned "Gojira" in the movie instead of just calling him Godzilla. Not too big on story or plot, and Broderick's acting wasn't his best IMHO. Great eye-candy though, easy to tell this is from the ID4 people. See it on the big screen, it's worth it.

May 20, 1998

Disney's "Sword in the Stone"

Finally bought a copy of this for our son, I'd forgotten what a cute movie it is. Nice to see it again! Our son really loves it too.

May 15, 1998


I was soooo glad this came on Disney, and I taped it, as it's not available for sale anywhere that I can find. Another all-time favorite of mine and still just as fun to watch as ever. Hadn't realized Danny John-Jules (Cat on Red Dwarf) was one of the voice talents until I saw the credits this time.

May 1, 1998


We went to see this in a dollar theater, hoping the movie would have a better ending than the book. NOPE. The movie was worse than the book, lots worse. We wasted $2.00 on this piece of crap movie, but at least it was cheaper than renting it. YUCK!

April 1, 1998

Happy April Fool's! =) Hooray for the Columbia House Video Club! Of course I didn't order anything that I haven't already seen... Watched The Highlander (the director's cut) and Stargate last night, plan on watching The Lost Boys tonight when the kiddie goes to sleep.....

March 28, 1998

The Saint
The Prophecy II

Rented these two this week... The Saint was pretty good, Val Kilmer did an awesome job of all the characters! The Prophecy II was okay, but not nearly as intense as the first one (typical sequel stuff here, folks!)

March 11, 1998
Fair Warning! =) I just joined the Columbia House Video Club today, going to be some major reviewing in a few weeks. That is, if our VCR is outta the shop by then, grumble grumble....

March 9, 1998

Dark City


This one blew me away, people. Unbelievable. Yes, it starts out slowish, trust me, stick it out and it WILL be worth it!! Going to see it again and again as long as it's in theaters!! Yes I am slightly biased as I really like Keifer Southerland, but even w/o him this one would be a 10!

December 24, 1997


Still just as awe-inspiring after all these years. =) Finally got my copy of it through The Science Fiction Book Club

Also got the Last Unicorn midi uploaded today, thanks Yak for finding it for me and sending it to me today! =)

December 22, 1997

The Dark Crystal

Still one of my favorite fantasy flicks. Gotta get my own copy, probably from Here, same place I ordered my copy of The Last Unicorn.

December 20, 1997

The Neverending Story

Came on network tv, inspired me to go rent it again to see it commercial-free. Definitely an all-time favorite and if I could find the midi right now you'd be listening to the main theme on this page. =) But it's after midnight, I'm tired and don't feel like surfin' for it or a kewl graphic for it like I have for the other two, maybe tomorrow!

(p.s. Got my copy of The Last Unicorn in the mail this week and ordered a copy of Legend. =)

November 15th, 1997

The Last Unicorn

Aired on Disney Channel East today, what a treat to see my old favorite again! Inspired me to go surfing to find a way to obtain my own copy, and I found one, and I ordered one! =) Don't discount this because it's animated, give it a try. I know that the local Blockbuster has it for rent, you could try to find it there.

November 8th, 1997

Starship Troopers

I loved it! I thought the bugs were nasty, the heroes wonderful, (especially yummy Rico, drool drool) and the sfx amazing. A word of warning though, if you liked this movie, don't post that fact to alt.fan.heinlein, even in agreement with someone else that posted they liked it. That is, unless you like having your mailbox filled up with hate email from afh'ers. (sigh)

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