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-A Candle-

Life like a candle sits burning
The winds of time ever blowing
The flame shines
The flame burns
On blows a short breeze
The flame flickers
The flame dies

-To Jessi-

She stood in silence
The winds of time blowing
A short breeze of it rustling through her hair
Another day
Another year
Maturity richens the deepness of her eye
Day in
Day out
Till darkness ever closes her eye.


Afar she stands
A shrine much away
She glows
She beams
Oh how I wish to bask in her iridescense

A lone island in the sea
Boat and glass ever seek
The heart of a mountain
The purest of gems yet unseen

The sea is tossed
The mountain shakes beneath my feet
Shall I flounder?
Nay, the end of the rainbow I doth seek.

-Looking Down-

The angel sat upon her heavenly roost
Tearful ideas passing though her head
She looked upon the earth below
Forever wishing she were not dead

Below a tiny speck walks along the street
His head is bowed and low
And his heart always yearning for his loved one
Whom left him not long ago

Time will continue to pass on
And his heart will try to mend
But no matter what he does
The bond that was will not bend.

-A Friend's Heart-

Deep within your bosom it is held
Forged by the most skilled of craftsman
As delicate as the finest of porcelain
More precious than the rarest of all gems
Purer than the purest of gold
Your heart opens to all before you
Bright light shining outward
Fortunate are those within its radiance

-My Heart-

Burried deep within my chest it resides
Clasped with a lock gilt of gold
Who shall be its guardian?
To you I give the key.


Draped in royal purple
A gemmed circlet upon your brow
On a golden throne you shall sit
Hand in hand we shall stand.


A white rose
Pristine and blossoming
Tender are its petals
Sweet is its fragrance
Beauty at its apex


Its warmth
Its palor
Its smooth caress
Such is her touch


-Love is Illogical-

1 + 1 = 2
1 + 1 = 2
1 + 1 = 2
You and I equal one.



2 heads
20 fingers
4 eyes
20 toes
1 heart
1 body
1 soul

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