Tons: 800 Volume: 11,200 Cost in MCR:449.571 Crew: 9 Passengers:36 High Pass Low:0 Cargo:80 Controls: Mil/Bridge/Fib Tech Level:15 8 Size 2 Jump 6 Fire Control 2 G Contra/Thrust 2xLasers (2,2,2,2) 2 Power Plant 2xSandcasters (50) 2 Sandcast Rate 1xMissile Bay 12(8) 244.6 Fuel/S/P 10A 4P 10J Sensors /E 60 Armor 14 Structure Passengers are Marines 50 ton Modular Cutter Using an 800 ton streamline wedge, the DBRE Corporation developed a modular starship that could be easily converted for different requirements and missions. The raider variant is mostly used in troop transport and boarding party actions. The cutter is used for landing troops and making space assaults, allowing the raider to use it's 100 ton missile bay to soften up any defenses and provide artillery support for the troops. For safety all Conestoga class vessels have enough fuel for one jump 2 and a jump 1. |