Well alittle about the game. I have had an intrest in RPG's for years now.
Even though my favorite is Star Wars, ADnD gets a close second place because of its mystical
realms and its Medevial style stuff.(Quite a change from blasters and Superr Star Destroyers)
My first character was a Dwarven fighter and my current one (many characters for various campaigns later)
I returned to the warrior caste but instead of me being Dwarven and a normal Fighter I decided to become a Paladin.
(Of course that entails being human.) This current character which I have played for over a year now as become
my favorite without a doubt. He has slayed many minions of undead with his Sun Sword and has jumped off a 500 ft.
cliff in the ultimate leap of faith (evading fireballs [6th level at time] and 20-30 Undead Warrior) and he only took a few points
of damage. At the time of this Scribing Rylath (my character) was heading towards the Dales on a Ship that set sail in a Hurricane (Category 4 for those who know). We sailed out of the storm and Biord
had some bad feelings about the Captain (Whom was alone no crew) and He and I investigated. To our horror we found a Ritual Sacrifice Room and in the room adjacent a whole bunch of undead. We procdeded Cautiosly
because the Captain was consorting with Jinny and we didn't want him to do anything like kill her so we flipped the ship on its side but he didn't pay attention. (I got thrown over board and noticed that Undead
were punching through the end of the ship and Quickley got back on board). We busted in on the on him and he turned into a Werewolf whom we slayed but not before he awoke his master..... an ancient mummy. He just
asked us questions and eventually a riddle which if we were to not to solve we were to be killed but if we did he would take us to our destination. We won with no losses. Now for an Update. We travelled with minor undistingishable
encounters until we got to Hillsfar where we were sent south to Mith-Dranor to defeat at least 4 Baasteau. So far we (in 2 of 4 towers) have slain 5 Major Demons and 8 Lesser ones to our suprise without losses.
That does not include the 14 Firbolg Giants and 9 High (8+)Mages. I have decides to stop cronicling this. If you wish to know what happens e-mail me and I'd be glad to give you a message telling what happens.
Here is a Break down of all characters in the Campaign: (you may notice that one stopped playing after his 3 near carbon copies were killed; and not all players have names so let them just be a trait)
(D) denotes= deceased. See below for causes
Name of Character: Class: Level: Race: Players: Alignment:
(U)Rylath Conqueror Fighter 8 Human Myself Lawful Evil
Jinny McClanogh Thief 16 Human Mr. X Neutral Evil
(U)Ivan TrollClever Ranger 6 Dwarf Jim Chaotic Good
(CR)Thernos Dupree Cleric 11 Human Joesph Neutral Good
(D)(No name) M. 2 Thief 1 Hafling Monkey True Neutral
Biord the Elf Fighter 12 Elf Tall Chaotic Good
(D)Sarah Bugslayer Thief 11 Pixie Power Chaotic Neutral
(D)Tisa Mage 2 Human Power Chaotic Good
(D)Bester Cleric/Ranger 1/1 Human Monkey Chaotic good
(D)Raul Thief 2 Hafling Monkey True Neutral
Vladmir Mage 13 Half-Elf Smurf Lawful Neutral
Te'kliak Tara'qua 11 Thri-Kreen Jim Lawful Neutral
Talon Rishar Fighter/Thief 11/15 Half-Elf Myself Neutral Good
-----------------------------AND OF COURSE---------------------------------
Dungeon Master All 10,001 Any MjrMud Lawful Evil
with Chaotic
This was a list of all the characters to date. Here is the names of the Deceased:
M. 2= Died of Being Changed into a Cleric/Ranger
Tisa= Died of Hemoraging to the Throat caused by a Thief who thought she was after "her" man
Bester= Died when he swam under rocks and then tried to go against the current of water. Cause of Death Asphexiation.
Raul= PO'd a bunch of really mean gang dudes and subsquently had his arms and legs taken off. Died from Blood Loss.
Sarah Bugslayer=Talon took a shot at her because she threatened to kill, him and did enough Damage to kill her.
Thernos Dupree= Died when we tried to poison pirates and he not knowning drank the Poison. He was eventually thrown off a playing Dragon to put him out of his misery. But he was resurrected by his father. (Emailme to ask.)
Ivan TrollClever= Died of a neck wound and eventually Bleed to death.
Rylath= Died of: Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Backstab from high level Thief multiple times, and Vampiric Weapons were needed. If you want any information about characters etc. E-Mail me. Also if you want to find out what a Tara'Qua is E-Mail me. Also U stands for Undead.My Brothers Excellent ADnD page AdnD Character Sheets in Word 7 Zipped format Stay Tuned for More!!