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© 1996 Warner Bros. Based on Mars Attacks ® the copyrighted property of The Topps Company, Inc.
Mars Attacks Site
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Un-welcome Visitors!actually you're welcome.
I extend a hearty hand!A Killer Hand
It is pretty obvious this is not the official "MARS ATTACKS" site, other wise it
would be more proffesional.
This site was created by a certain
Allen Fletcher, a very bored individual that has nothing better to do with his time but make
internet pages and mope about.
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There is this really nice women at Knopf Publishing who just decided to give me a free copy of a new book titled "Batting Against Castro",
written by Jim Shepard. It has a bunch of differant stories and one of them is a
Mars Attacks story! It's a pretty darn good book and I reccomend you read it!
Click here to go to the author connections
Or here for the rest of the publisher site
And special thanks to Bryony Gagon!
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The Mars Attacks Theme Pack!
I have finally finished a
"Mars Attacks Theme Pack"! The only bad part is, it is for Windows 95. And I dont know if it will work on any other system (Except Windows NT).
And you are welcome to try it with any other system. BUT REMEMBER, DONT REPRODUCE IN ANY WAY WITH OUT MY PERMISSION!
And you have to have an Unzipper to use it.
I suggest WinZip.
Download by clicking here
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There HAS been people who DID visit this site.
If they came back, thats a differant story!
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I have spent many hours creating and editing
all the images on this site.
It is MY hard work.
If you are want to swipe ANY of it,
pullease ask permission FIRST.
Other wise, If I find out, you're six feet under buddy.
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Mars Attacked on Fryday, Dec. 13th
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Any questions or comments?
Can you tell me if I even care?
Send e-mail here.
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Do you collect movie collectables?
If yes, do you plan on buying Mars Attacks collectables?
Well then of all places, buy them here!
I have t-shirts, mouse pads, cups, Etc.!
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Fried Contents(more to come):
View a bunch of pictures
If you want to know more about the cast,
click here. Or here. Or there.
Meet the enemy!
If you're bored, play my nifty little puzzle PUZZLE IS NOT YET OPEN
Mars Attacks Chat
Tell people you're movie reviews:
1.Mars Attacks Movie Reviews
2."The Coolest Part"
3.The Cutest Was....
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At the moment I am updating
this page when ever I can.
That means I am making new things
almost every other day.
If you REALLY want to
know when this page is updated,
enter you're e-mail below and I will contact you.
Press enter to send it.

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I own this ring!
Mars Attacks the Web Ring!

This Mars Attacks the Web Ring! site
is owned by Allen.

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This is the ending, the ending of our story, the ending.
Movie Credits
It is pretty obvious this the end, wuich means credits.