Post Episode Stories
Peripheries -- Post Three Words
She only exists in the periphery of his vision -- Rated PG 13
Eclipse -- Post Per Manum/TINH
A collaboration with alanna
The subtext of shadows -- Rated NC 17
Spooky Awards 2001 Winner -
Outstanding Long Story, Honorable Mention
Outstanding Post Episode/Missing Scene Story, Honorable Mention
Outstanding Collaboration, Honorable Mention
Caprice -- Post Je Souhaite
Intimacy does not come without a price -- Rated NC 17
Starbuck Awards 2000 Winner - Outstanding Smut
Iconoclasm -- Post En Ami
Variations on a theme of truth --  Rated PG 13
Fractal Images -- Post all things
Sometimes you can't see the circles for the crops -- Rated PG 13
Starbuck Awards 2000  Winner -  Outstanding Mulder Characterization
The Thing with Feathers -- Post X-Cops
A hope starved eventually dies -- Rated NC 17
I Believe -- Post Milagro
A skeptic's journey for truth -- Rated NC 17

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