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Vonski's New and improved Website

To Vonski's New and Improved Website

This is a Upgrade on a sad but true beginner page I had before. I have a lot of the same things but placed better and some new things. Basically just shined it up.

First of all you should visit my Brothers Transformer/Beasties page. It is half made by me and is equal if not better to mine. Its got sounds and some really cool pics concerning Transformers.Click on the the pic to go there.

What a fun ride this game is

How else could u be a commander of a Soviet Army.


This is a game were they incorporate strategy with great action and graphics. The game is about if there was no Hitler and how then it would be a fight between the Allies and the Soviets. Click on the image to go to westwood. Right now your listening to a sound clip called hells march its from the game. The following is a bunch of pics of the game for u to use.

Pic #1





Tanya sez watch out as u leaveStar Wars the best Sci Fi series ever

This painting is the first confirmed scene from the New Movies (prequels). The best part of Star Wars was it was the first Sci Fi movie that had a lot of sub plots and some humor. My favorite Character is C-3PO or Chewbacca. The main Characters suck. I have the the new end song from the Special Edition Return of The Jedi you can download it here.

The End song here

I also have a few pics and sounds you can have.


Chewie Voice

Yoda saying something

Han solo talking filth

Darth talking about bounty


Ackbar picture

Bobas Ship/Slave 5

Darth Vader on Bespin

Now here's the only pic of the Star Wars Universe that I Know of!

Galaxy Picture

I also have the game sabacc from Star Wars for u to Download. This is how Han Solo won the Millenmum Falcon from Lando. The game is Zipped.

Sabacc The game

The the archive will get bigger as time goes on.Civilization II what a Game.

Civ II is a extordinary sequel to the first game. There is more stratgy and a lot better grahpics.I have a few maps for you to download.



Email me your problems and questions here

Now for the Half time show: