The Faby Home Experience

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Hi! This is Faby

You are welcome in my caves, stranger. Please, take some rest and make yourself at home. A fire is burning and I have always a place at my table. Night is coming and the dark will soon arrive. I will offer you something special, dear stranger, something that you'll can never forget for the rest of your life.

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enter "THE MOONLESS CAVES", the interactive fantasy tale, where you are the hero.


I do believe that there are people in the world that keep something special in their heart. Someone of 'em were able enough to create a new world.
I think that science is just the way that we choose to see the Nature. Maybe in a different planet, in a different world, we colud be able to fly.
This is me with my friend Albert

Smaug - from J. R. R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit"
By a route osbscure and lonely,
Haunted by ill angels only,
Where an Eidolon, named Night,
On a black throne reigns upright,
I have reached these lands but newly
From an ultimate dim Thule -
From a wild weird clime that lieth, sublime,
Out of Space - out of Time.

from "Dream-Land" by E. A. Poe (1844-1849)
Imagination is something that born inside you and make you able to belive in things that simply do not exist. I became a story-teller when I've understood the power that creation can give. You can travel into new worlds, know new people, be the Master of your own land. That's Fantasy, you see.
Altought Tolkien, and the sf-author of the 20s, are the real fathers of that kind of fiction, fantasy belongs to the same origins of letterature. Italian poet Dante Alighieri, Shakespeare, Marlowe, the writers of the nineteenth century, each one of 'em used fantasy to underline the features of the real world they lived in.
Now it's the era of new authors, but mistery, fear, and forgotten treasures are still in our minds, filling our everydays life with magic. The reasons is just one:
Fantasy is not just abstaction. Fantasy is what you really feel.
BOOKS: As a writer I've written several horror/fantasy tales and some novelettes, where everyday life colud be filled by the magic of our dream, or by the evil of forgotten memoeries. The seek of hidden sides in human's behaviour, the view of reality through characters' eyes, as like an accurate definition of their psychological profile are the main features of my works. The same nature of my characters' feelings becomes a journey in their past where usually they find the key of their present being.

In my production appear "Le luci del faro", a pirate story about a strange lighthouse, in a little island of the Cornwall, "La notte dell'aquila", a metropolitan tale about Rock music and madness, and "The Santilla legacy", a Cux story for kids, written with my brother Valerio and published in Italy by La Rosa Editrice, Torino.

At the present time I'm working on some novels and some short-stories.

Miguel y Marcelo


From left: Kevin, Nico,
Victor, Jorge, Walter


During the last century the world has developed an impressive new consiousness of his being. Travels that looked impossible before, thanks to the rising of modern tecnologies, became easy, and new ways were opened to everyone.
The same idea that less than hundred years ago a journey from Europe to America lasted weeks, is now almost incoincevable, and hundreds of airplane take off everyday in every part of the globe.
That's why the world now is closer than we usually think, and it opens an extraordinary perspective where we are able to move ourselves in the spaces of different cultures, assimilating the differences between what we are always to know and what new there's in other people's ideas.
Maybe the first man that decided to get in touch with someone different from himself, was the first one that got acquainted of his human being.

In my life, I've already collect a lot of experience that showed me that there are different ways that we can walk along, and that everyone of that can help ourselves to reach our goals.

That's why I think that planet Earth is my home. I would like to wake up in the golden rays of an American sun and to close my eyes in the silver moonlight of another Arabian night. I can dream it, so that is true.

Argentina'95: During the 1995 I've work in Oran, Argentina, in a home for street children. In this period I went thru thousends of troubles and I also risked to lose my same life. Someone told me that I've wasted my time, that I was mad. Well, maybe that's true, but let's give a look at "my" children in the photos. They ARE a thing worth dying for, no?


The high IQ society

Since 1994 I belong to Mensa, the society that collects people with an high IQ from all over the world. Mensa was founded in 1946 in Oxford and since that year more than hundred tousend people become mensan. That's why in the August of 1996, about thousand members celebrated its fiftyth birthday in London.

Mensa Italia , at the present time, has about 400 members but it's growing slowly. Our last national meeting was in Turin at the end of April'96.

The 3FB
The 3Free Boys in Studio
The 3Free Boys are working for you! We are the creators of "John Freedom - Escape from the tower of doom" the adventure game for Amiga. Comin' soon on your screens.
Visit his home page, in English or Italian
3Free Boys are:Fabio Capello, Valerio Capello, Andy E. Naimoli.
MUSIC: I 've begun to love music when I've understood the power that it really can give. Music is the same expression of my soul, and the reason of my feelings. If I have something inside I can take my guitar and try to give a shape to my thoughts. That's why I believe in music.

As composer I've written a lot of songs and everyone of 'em is a part of my mind. I'm always looking for something new, traveling through the rock guitar's distorsions or the armonic, soft sounds of the acustic performance. What's real wonderful is that there's no limits in music creation and there's always a new horizon that you can try to reach.

FREEDOM: (Sometimes a star shines in the night). Have you ever see the sky in the dark? High a silver moon rides on fogotten silver clouds. At the horizon, the last fading lights of the dusk shows a golden treasure that desappears soflty. You're alone now, and the shadows of the past fills your mind with unbelieveble emotions and surronds your soul, in silence. Night is everywhere, far a fire burns.

You can find yourself alone against the power of creation. Freedom is immagination. Freedom are your hopes, yuor thoughts, your memories, fused in the consciousness of your being and of the Universe where we live in. Freedom is creation.

Sometimes the night will come. I will have no fear, for unknown forces are still forging my mind, and everything is growing slowly inside, as the night falls down. I'll be able to see what freedom really means the day that I'll be the same thing with the stars and with the silence.

Faby Rock
Fabio Capello was born in 1975 in Italy. He have attended the schools of his town, where he graduated in 1993. During This period he became also a good guitar player and an excellent music composer.
After the school he went to Pisa where he lived for about one year, and where he recorded with the 3Free Boys the mini-album: "The 3Freest One". In 1995 Faby went to Oran (Argentina) where he worked in a home for street children.
At the present time he live in Italy and he's working as a writer on some novels and short-stories.

"Above The Golden Valley"
by Fabio Capello

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