Be An Evangelist!

This page was written by Bryan Winter. Comments and ideas are welcomed!
NON, Apostle of junk food:-)

This page has mostly to do with the Doomtrooper situation in the US, but the overall theme has no nationality!

As many of you know, I am a big Macintosh fan. Among the Mac community, we have this thing called the "Mac Evangelista" which is essentially a method to spread word of Macintosh as if it was a religion (OK, maybe not THAT zealously, but you get the idea).

Anyway, all that aside , I think it is time to take some of those ideas to heart and apply them to the Doomtrooper game. Basically, if you want Doomtrooper to succeed, you have to be proactive. If you look at any issue of Scrye or InQuest, you see lots of pretty ads for games that still sell squat. The only way games stay popular these days is because players MAKE them popular. It really is a "grass-roots" campaign. Look at "Legend of the 5 Rings". that game is really big in the US. Why? Because people TALK about how great a game it is. I think we've all forgot how to talk about Doomtrooper in the same way. Not because we are lazy or don't care, but because the game has been around for so long we're all just used to being the bastard child (me included!). Look at Star Trek - that game SUCKED, and even thogh it sold well to collectors, it is dead dead dead as a GAME.

Don't get me wrong, Doomtrooper is still "going strong". We've got PARADISE LOST coming out and after that we're planning the RAGNAROK expansion (yes, you heard it here first). But to be honest, the interest is waning. Why? In my opinion, three reasons:

  1. Players simply don't know about the game, have forgotten about it, or have incorrect assumptions it. They don't realize that Doomtrooper is printed in more languages than any other CCG on the planet, and is more popular than Magic in some countries. They don't know how FUN it is.
  2. Distributors are not doing a good job letting their retail customers know about Doomtrooper anymore. Since it is almost 2 years old, it is "old news" even though we still have a loyal player base and that the game is a proven winner.
  3. Retailers are not bothering to stock it, even though it has been a constant seller. Instead, they buy too much product that may be "the next Magic", which inevitably gets them badly burned .
It's time to take it to the streets. Do you want your game to thrive? Do you want Doomtrooper tournaments where you aren't playing the same few people over and over? Do you want to be a Doomtrooper Evangelista? Then read on.
A Doomtrooper Evangelista uses "guerilla tactics" to spread the word of Doomtrooper. He is a member of a very unique club whose members are proud be playing the coolest CCG on Earth, and want everyone else to join that club. And man, that is a club you WANT to join! Here are some ways you too can be a Doomtrooper Evangelista:
  1. When you see people playing any other card game, go up and ask them if they have played Doomtrooper. Go on, they won't bite. If they haven't, ask them why. Tell them why you stopped playing Magic so you would have more time for Doomtrooper. Tell them about the 5 existing expansions, the one in production, and the one on the drawing board. Ask them if they would loike to learn. I'll bet they're getting tired playing the same 6 Magic decks, eh?
  2. Take your unwanted cards and make 2-4 "newbie" decks. These decks are designed with the beginner in mind. Nothing too powerful, nothing too weak. Lots of common warriors, no baddasses. If you can spare them, put 1-2 MISCOMMUNICATIONS in each deck, just to make things interesting. these decks tease a new player, but don't give away all the secrets. Then go to your game club or conventions and ask anyone sitting around if they would like to learn how to play Doomtrooper. Not many would refuse! As you teach the game, tell them the history of the game, the cool bits, the great bits, and yes, the disadvantges as well. Tell them which cards to look for, and which to avoid. Tell them about how many viable tourney decks there are. Be open, be fair. But most of all, LET THEM WIN!!! But let them win in subtle ways - don't play that Miscommunication to ruin his game. Let them have fun, and they are hooked!!! If you are feeling REALLY generous, give them the deck they used to beat you as a "prize".
  3. Call every CCG store in town, and every one in the magazines with an "800" number, and ask them if they sell Doomtrooper. If they do, THANK THEM, and let them know that you will tell all your friends that you found a Doomtrooper source (and be sure to do just that). If their prices are good, make a small order. Reward them for sticking to a game that is "old news". If they don't, ask them why not. Be ready to counter their reasons (It doesn't sell. Oh? Have you ever run a demo game or a tourney? Have you ever tried to push it, or did you just let it sit behind that pile of Fallen Empires in the corner?). Be friendly, be informative, be brave!
  4. Write to all the CCG magazines and ask them for more Doomtrooper coverage. In your letter, do the stuff mentioned above (tell them why you love the game, etc.).
  5. Go to all the "generic" CCG sites in the web and and ask them for more Doomtrooper coverage. Same as #4.
  6. Ask your local store if you can spend a Saturday afternoon demonstrating Doomtrooper. Stores usually love that sort of thing. You and a friend go with pre-made newbie decks, and play all day. If anyone seems even remotely interested, ask them if they would like to learn how to play. Offer to let them sit next to you while you play and show what is going on. Play with open hands (so the newbie can see all the cards). Explain every move, every combat, every expenditure of a Destiny Point. Let the newbie take over. If the newbie plays - LET HIM WIN!!!!
  7. When you are trading with a newbie, give him a break. Heck, let him rob you blind.
  8. If you have more than 5 copies of a card, take some of your extras and give them away.
  9. If you have more than 1 rulebook, give it away - with some basic cards.
  10. The next time you see someone playing Netrunner or Battletech or any number of other games, take your Doomtrooper binder up to the game and say, "You know, that card art really kinda sucks. Now HERE is some art! See how it shares a certain style and look? See how the art on your cards is all over the artistic spectrum, and how hard it is to "get into" the setting because of all those vastly different styles? Man, I never have that problem....!"
  11. Tell everyone you know about the Target web site, Doomtrooper Central, the mailing list, and especially my e-mail address. Frankly, a lot of people really dig talking to the designers, and when was the last time that Garfield spaz returned YOUR e-mail? Hey, at least I know how to match my socks! : )
  12. If someone starts whining about the prices of the cards and collectibility, tell them to grow up (but do it nicely!). No matter what Scrye says, the collectible market is as transparent as shrink-wrap, and you ain't never gonna make any money on a collection anymore. If you got an unopened box of Arabian Knights, for God's sake sell it while it's still worth something. If you're sitting on a set of Guardians waiting for the price to go up, you're in for a long wait. Knock that guy on the head and remind them that these are GAMES, and are meant to be PLAYED. And what's better than a game that is FUN? Nothing! If he wants to make money in speculation, my brother-in-law is an investment banker.

I could go on. In fact, I think we all should! If you have a great idea to evangelize Doomtrooper, let us all know! If you have a great story about how you got a new player into the game, share it! I'll bet we would ALL love to hear them, and would all love another great idea to spread our game to the four corners of the country!

And by all means HAVE FUN!

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