Survey Results!

Here are the survey "mid-time" results, updated:

  1. Apocalypse rating: 7.8 avg
  2. Best expansion:
    1. Inquisition:55.5%
    2. Golgotha:44.5%
    3. Basic set,Warzone,Mortificator,Apocalypse:0%

  3. Worst expansion:
    1. Mortificator:44%
    2. Golgotha:22%
    3. Apoc/Warzone/Basic set:11% each
    4. Inquisition:0%

  4. Worst card type:
    1. Alliance:33%
    2. Warzone/Mission:22% each
    3. Fortification/Equipment:11% each
    4. Warrior,Special,Art,Dark Symmetry,Relic,Ki Power:0%

  5. Best Affiliation:
    1. The Dark Legion:66%
    2. Bauhaus/Capitol/The Brotherhood:11% each
    3. Cybertronic,Mishima,Imperial:0%

  6. Worst Affiliation:
    1. Capitol:44%
    2. Cybertronic:33%
    3. Bauhaus:22%
    4. Darl Legion,Brotherhood,Imperial,Mishima:0%

  7. Best Warrior:
    1. Crenshaw/Pretorian Behemoth:22% each
    2. Coral Beach/Alakhai the cunning/Destroyer/Eva Valmonte/Cardinal Durand:11% each

  8. Worst Warrior:
    1. Young Guard/Bio-Giant/Blessed Legionnaire/Infantry/Child of Ilian/Cybersecurity MP/Suicide Warhead/Heretic/Hatamoto:11% each

  9. Best Card:
    1. Miscommunication:50%
    2. Primal Bitch/Mask of the Vestals/Negative Karma/Wave of Rightousness:12% each

  10. Worst Card:
    1. Dull Blade,Distracted:24%
    2. Cartel Enforcement,Take Aim,Blessed Armor,Repetance:12%

  11. Restrict:
    1. Divine Inspiration,Loot&Pillage,Innocent Bauble,Corporate Shenanigans,Promo Cards:20%

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