The Oracle

The Gallery

The Wall of Priestesses

inner sanctum
The Inner Sanctum

The Altar

reading room
The Reading Room

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Thanks to Ryan Black for the MIDI version of the Joxer Song!!

Welcome to the Temple of Joxer the Mighty!
The repairs and remodeling are underway, next to come will be some new navigational icons. They may take a while since (unlike the rest of this page) I can't work on them while at work. For now, I'd appreciate it if you could fill in the form below to let me know which type of icon you prefer.
Your username:

Which type of icon do you prefer?
Just give me a text link
One of those cool buttons that looks like it's pushing in.
The sign like you have for the Gallery
A nifty animated icon like the one for the Oracle
A descriptive picture, but not necessarily moving

Temple News

You are pilgrim number to visit the Temple

Counter reset 6/22/00 due to liiiiiittle accident while getting a new counter graphic installed.

Click on any blue underlined link to check out an area of the temple that's presently under construction.

If you have any suggestions, comments, or are interested in becoming a priestess of Joxer, e-mail me at
Thanks for your patience

A Ring of Ted

This A Ring of Ted Raimi site is owned by Joxette.

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Last Updated 6/22/2000