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Now playing: "The Blue Danube" by Johann Strauss, from 2001, A Space Oddessey

Member of the "I Hate Frames" Club

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Since April 2, 1998

My Resume

Welcome to my Science Fiction page. Isn't this like one of the COOLEST addresses for a Sci Fi page? Area 51, to start with--way cool. Then to be in the Vault!!! (No offense to the other Area 51 neighborhoods ;-) ) Then we have 47--the ultimate Star Trek number (if you don't understand this, you haven't seen enough Trek). Last, but not least 42--The Ultimate Answer to Life! The Universe!! And EVERYTHING!!!!!

My site contains links to many of the great Sci Fi pages I have found on the web. I admit to stealing freely from other people's lists; but in doing so have rejected what was inoperative (and in my opinion) worthless or in bad taste.

In the interests of keeping this page current, I urge you to e-mail me if you find an inoperative link, or other comments. If you want me to add a site to this list I promise I will check out the site and add it quickly, if it meets with my approval.

The various televison shows, movies, and books are the propterties of their respective copyright holders. No infringment upon those rights are intended by this page. I recieve no compensation for anything on this page. Neither myself nor Geocities is responsible for the material on any web site with a link on this page.

Send me E-mail

Last Updated 3/11/98

Visit my personal page......U.S.S. Kelly NCC-73400......U.S.S. Kelly Engineering......U.S.S. Kelly Quartermaster Page......My Twisted Songs Page......Star Trek Links......Star Wars Links......Doctor Who Links......The Hitchikers' Guide To The Galaxy Links......Stargate SG1 Links......Earth: Final Conflict Links......Babylon 5 Links......Lost in Space