November 13, 2003

It's almost the end of the semester. I can't believe how it's flown by! All those project that I haven't started because they were due until the end of the semester...well, it's time to start. Argh.

Last weekend, Bill and I celebrated our one year anniversary. It was great! Bill made me an awesome dress (the top didn't fit :( but he's going to fix it!) and we went out to dinner and dancing. I love getting to kick back and spend time relaxing with Bill. As part of his anniversary gift, I let him read my journals. It was great to share all the bits of high school and the beginning of college with him...all the stuff I forgot...and all the stuff I've tried to forget.

I've been trying to get back into praying and spending time with God lately. Bill has started asking me if I've spent some God-time before we can talk on the phone. It's great to be dating someone who encourages me in my faith so much.

Bill is looking at moving up to Akron, which will be awesome. I'm excited because he'll be taking over my job and working with the youth group. I'm hoping to stay involved and to work with the confirmation classes. Tomorrow, we're going to go house hunting in Akron for him. It sounds like it'll be fun...but a crazy sort of thought! :)

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