Coca's Soda Machine

My name is CocaKeola

Hey..if you got a sound card, it's playing synthesized MUSIC! Yah, it is the "Sugar Plum Fairy..." You wanta make something of it? I like it and what I like, it plays...!

Hey!...that's me in the middle...the one with the bod! Click on the pix to hear WARCHANT hula!

Couple of buddies...feeling...*  Anyway click on the pix to hear Traumrei!

I was class president at Clover Creek School, South Hill, Washington , now, I'm the Attorney General. I am also a hula dancer , chess player , Go player , and avid Nintendo player.
Couple more buddies...not sure about the limp wr.....but you can click on the pix to hear Noa Like!

...when my mind gets lazy, I piggy-back on these ideas...


to Dad's Hootch...!(...actually it beginning to belong to Mom...)

Oh yeh, I got a sister, too.

You can reach me by send checks!...ha
Copyright 1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002 Keola Ceridon