Greetings, Fellow Terans.....

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I'm tired of waiting... Get me outta here!!!

Greetings and salutations fellow Terans...Welcome.
As you can see I am somewhat of a Star Trek nut. I used to have quite a collection of Star Trek memorabilia. This included the items you will find here in these pages, as well as some items in my personal collection. Unfortunately most of my personal collection was destroyed at Wolf359 in the battle against the Borg before I was able to get my holoscanner up. Fortunately for me, and you as well, I was able to salvage some great pic's and miscelleneous other things I think you will enjoy. I am also a golf-a-holic and one day, I'll make my living on the golf course.

So please take a moment to look around my pic's and jokes and then take a few seconds or longer and do me the greatest of favors and sign my guest book. I would be eternally greatful. Thank you and may you live long and prosper. May you shoot your age in golf before you get to old to realize it.

Thank you so very much for stopping by.
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since January 28th, 2005

Please, click on the book to sign in...

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Here are some links I think you should see
Koala's Homepage Cool Space pic's Meet the Family Just for laughs
Free E-mail ICW Homepage Mollie's Page Golf Pic's
Star Trek:WWW Voyager Links Voyager Crew Pics Official Star Trek Site

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e-mail me.

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