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Questions & Answers
I always wanted a forum to display all the most frequently asked questions here at Eyes of the Hunter, so here it is! If you asked it, it's probably here. If not, E-mail your question.
Where can I get Predator models?
There are lots of places, prices vary of course, but here are some of the better places that I have come across.
Monsters in Motion: Predator & Alien Collection
Dark Horse: Predator 2 model
Predator 2 model: pre-painted
Predator with Dutch
Where can I get Predator props? (ie. helmet, sword, guantlets etc.)
SCI-FI Replicas
Nightmare Factory: Predator Props and Masks
Predator Costume: Well, ask this guy ...
ICONS: Authentic Replicas
What's happening with the Predator III movie?
There's alot of buzz going around about the film, but beyond the fact that it is announced by FOX to be 'in production', it's all congecture. Some sources say that it will be out 'late 1999' or 'summer 2000'. Again I am not holding my breath.
More Here
Why didn't they make that Aliens vs Predator film?
Alot of forces conspired together to stall the film and send it to 'production limbo'. First it started with infighting between the 'Alien' people and the 'Predator' people. Most notably Ms. Weaver, only being protective of her Alien Saga legesy, said that the consept would cheapen the series and that they would have to do it without her.
Well, it was downhill from there. They decided that when and if they do the film, they should have at least one more 'Alien' film and one 'Predator' film before they do a 'vs'. The reason why two 'Alien' movies have gone through since then and no 'Predator' is because 'ALIEN' has been around much longer then 'Predator' therefore it has a much larger fan base, or so they postulated. I wonder if they ever made the connection that more movies may be the reason.
I also occationally hear that FOX tentitivly looks at the sales of A vs P products to see the market for the film.
More here.
What happened to Kevin 'Predator' Hall?
Kevin Peter Hall contracted AIDS sometime between the filming of the first and second films and after a sudden bout of AIDS complicated pnommonia he died in 1993, about a year and a half after the PREDATOR 2 filming. (RIP)
This is another speculated reason for the appearant delay of Predator films; Who could fill his role as the alien hunter?
This page was designed and created by © Jen Gardner 1997, 1998

PREDATOR™ & © 1987, 1998 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation