Domain Action Theme

Of course, to have a trade route, you have to either-- be trading with a different race, or a different terrain type. I like that rule,
I feel that other type of business is represented from the amount of money the guilds make.. I do, however, have an domain action for trading that isn't a trade route..

Success: 10+ (or 5+)
Type: Domain
Base Cost: 1 GB, 1 RP

This action allows the regent to send needed goods and services to another provinces. This is a one time deal, if circumstances warrant you could set up a trade route to the other kingdom. But, if, there was a large fire that ravaged one of the village, and you happen to arrive there with cloth, and other supplies -- then you can make quiet a profit. You can use this action at anytime, but it is only really useful when the items are needed.

The roll can be opposed by any guild holdings in the province. To do so, they merely add the level of their holding to your success roll. If the items are desperately needed, then they cannot resist in this method. The profit from this route, is the same as the level of the province, divided by 2. If the items are desperately needed, the profit equals the level of the province +2. (All numbers are rounded up)

You send some items to Illien, hoping to sell them there. The other guilds, not wishing to give up a second of their market, add to your success roll. You now have to roll 17 or more to succeed. However, you spend 6 regency points, and the roll is back down to 11. They don't interfere anymore, and you sell your items (you made the roll). The items aren't really needed, so you only make 4GB in profit.

However, lets say that you send items to Illien after a large fire. The other guilds don't bother you, so you have to roll 5+ on your success roll. You manage to do so. Using the disaster economy to its best advantage, you make 9GB off of the shipment.


Submitted by Brandon Quina

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