Information Theme


Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Status: NPC

Provinces/Holdings: The realm of Vorostokov takes little notice outside of it's own borders. The internal situation is a land of harsh winters that quickly brings death due to the cold, and cool summers that fade all to quickly. The realm temples once a bastion of faith and hope have crumbled into a historic site of loss. The only remaining faith within the lands is that within the city of Vorostokov run by Terenshy Mackelfis. The lands mercantile trade over the past few years has dwindled to nothing as well. The single guild sources are collectively within Vorostokov. Magic and mystery run deep within the hills and valleys of the land. It is said that here elemental forces and dark spirits roam the terrain in the bodies and minds of it's inhabitants.

Province Law Temples Guilds Sources
Kargo (0/7) Mz (2) - - MM (2)
Kirinova (0/5) Bo (0) - - SWh (5)
Nordvik (0/5) Bo (0) - - SWh (3)
Novayalenk (0/7) Bo (0) - - MM (7)
Oneka (0/5) Bo (0) - - SWh (2)
Siberski (0/7) Bo (0) - - MM (3)
Torgov (0/5) Mz (0) - - SWh (4)
Voronina (0/5) Bo (0) - - SWh (5)
Vorostokov (2/3) Bo (2) Te (0) Ol (2) MM (3)

Abbreviations: Bo = The Boyarsky; Mz = Mikhail Zolnik; SWh = The Sister Witches; MM = Marik the Mouse Eater; Te = Terensky; Ol = Oleg the Woodcutter

Regency Generated/Accumulated: 2/34 RP.
(Gregor Zolnik collects regency from all of the provinces and also collects all of the regency from the Boyarsky).

Treasury: 12 GB. Gregor mainly has money left over from when the lands were warm and rich. Now he has very little use for his gold and collects little.

Army: The Boyarsky and their followers in total comprise of two units of irregulars which serve at no cost to the state. In addition Gregor can summon two units of wolves to fight in times of crisis as well as one unit of lycanthopes (Loup du Noir werewolves).

Regent: The Boyar, Gregor Zolnik (MV; F8; Az, major, 37; CE), a very charismatic man who it appears is not effected by the passage of time. Gregor rules his people with a front of boasting and broad confidence. What is little known is that long ago he was afflicted with a curse that has left him with the disease of lycanthropy. Since that day he has come to terms with what he is and has determined that all who follow him will do so as a lychanthrope as well. He has gained the ability to control other werewolf lycanthropes as well as those he or his followers personally infect. His curse it seems has also given him an ability to resist the effects of age. To what details no one knows. Lt. He has two lieutenants currently. Alexei Zolnik, brother of Gregor, (MV; F5:Az, major, 32; CE) and Dmitri Dneprov (MV;F6; non blooded; CE).

Important NPC's: The youngest brother of Gregor, is Mikhail Zolnik. He has also been effected with the curse of the Loup du Noir, lycanthropy. Due to his shared bloodline of his brother he appears to be able to resist the controlling effects of the other werewolves in the domain. As of yet Mikhail does not yet know he has been effected. If he also has the ability to resist the evil temperament as his curse remains to be seen. (MV; R6; Az; major, 32; CG)

Description: The land once was a paradise of warmth and happy people. Long ago Gregor killed the liege lord of the realm in a tangled situation of a love thought betrayed. The dying regent called out to the gods and the forces of the Shadow World in a great curse upon Gregor. The realm was changed the next day. The summers are very brief and the mountain passes seldom unthaw enough to allow anyone to by pass them in to the realm. During the winter months the temperature is from 0 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and 20 to 30 degrees below at night. Often still are frequent blizzards that coat the land dropping temperatures to below -50 degrees with wind below 70 miles per hours. This time is called the "Black Ice". Any one caught out in one of these blizzards is given up for
lost. Cold damage, exposure, frostbite, hypothermia and starvation all are major concerns of any traveler within the domain. Even small tents and fires are not strong enough to protect travelers fully. Those who have disregarded this often given advise freeze in the colds. The only inhabitants that seem to be able to move in the normal weather with little difficulty are the large populations of wolves that scour the lands. They travel in packs and on occasion a lycanthope may be with them.

Allies: None.

Enemies: Nations seem incapable of breaching the colds and the high passes of the mountains. As it were Vorostokov has no enemies.


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