Rules Theme

Optional Rules for
Birthright Domain Turns

By D. Pierce Williams

This is a set of optional rules for the resolution of Domain Turns in the Birthright campaign setting.  They are intended to be used by DMs and players seeking to add greater depth and realism to this important part of the game.
In the spirit of the AD&D game, these rules attempt to give individual DMs maximum control over the flow of their campaigns.

The current rules for resolving Domain Turns present two problems.  First, and primarily, they are overly rigid, limiting the characters to a fixed number of all-important Realm and Domain actions, regardless of the magnitude of the actions they are taking.  Second, they assume, unrealistically, that each action would take an equal amount of time to complete, so that the order to improve a castle, the declaration of war on an enemy, or the creation a new holding all require one full month.  No more, no less.  These optional rules attempt to address these problems by modifying the structure of the Domain Turn and the nature of certain Domain Actions.

The Birthright rules are open to a number of interpretations concerning the degree to which an individual regent is involved in any given domain action.  This is largely based on the style of the individual DM, and the tastes of his or her players-some choose to have PC regents heavily involved in the day-to-day running of the kingdom, while others prefer to delegate their authority to trusted advisors and Lieutenants.  The following assumptions were made in designing these optional rules:

1) When conducting a Realm or Domain action the Regent will employ a network of Lieutenants and other subordinates, some of whom will have specialized knowledge of the task at hand.

2) Unless the player states otherwise, a Regent who orders a Realm or Domain action is not assumed to be overseeing that action in person, but through the network described above.

The perspective taken by a particular group will determine weather these modifications are appropriate for their campaign.  Those whose Regents are more involved in the details of ruling may find that these rules allow the Regent to accomplish too much in a Domain Turn, while those who expect their underlings to do the legwork may find that by using the new rules the flow of the game is accelerated and plans can be put into action more quickly, all while maintaining good play balance.


In the original Birthright rules, each game year (twelve months) is divided into four three-month Domain Turns.  Players may take one Realm, Domain, or Character action during each month, as well as a single Lieutenant action  and a number of Free actions based on his/her character level.  These rules further divide each domain turn into twelve weeks, four for each month of the Domain Turn.  Each Domain, Realm, and Character action requires a variable number of weeks to complete, and the DM may choose to acceptt he
recommended number or may modify this number based on the particulars of the action in question (note that Free actions remain unchanged).  Therefore,  it is possible that in one instance a Rule action may take only three weeks to complete, while in another circumstance the same action may require four or more weeks.  This gives DMs a great deal of control over the Domain Turn,  and allows enterprising players to exercise greater influence over their own domains.


Listed below are the Birthright Domain Actions that have been modified, including their new Time to Complete (TC) in weeks and a description of any changes made to the action itself.  The TC is only a recommended base time.  DMs should feel free to raise or lower the TC of any action if the situation
demands it.

Type: Character
TC: Special
Success: Special
Base Cost: None
The DM should assign a TC equal to the number of weeks the Regent actually spends adventuring, minimum of 1 week.

Type: Domain (Priests: Free), Realm
TC: Domain 2, Realm 1 + number of provinces to be affected.
Success: 10+
Base Cost: 1 RP, 1 GB

Type: Domain, Realm
TC: Domain 3, Realm 2 + number of provinces to be affected.
Success: 10+
Base Cost: 1 RP

Type: Domain
TC: 2 (in home domain), 4 (outside home domain)
Success: 10+
Base Cost: 1 GB

Type: Free
Success: Special
Base Cost: None
Under this system, Declare War becomes a Free action.  As in the past, a Regent must declare war before he/she can move troops into a province owned by an enemy.  If the PC Regent wishes to take direct command of an army, the DM should require him to take an Adventure action with a TC of 4 (representing four one-week war moves).  Otherwise, the PC Regent must as sign a Lieutenant or other NPC to command the army.  Note that the costs of supplying and maintaining units are covered in the individual units
maintenance costs, and that planning is an ongoing process assigned to the armies general staff or other commanders, and thus is not represented in this action.

Type: Domain
TC: Special
Success: 10+
Base Cost: 1 GB, 1RP
The DM should assign a TC to this action based on the magnitude of the desired effect.  For example, negotiations to allow a trade route to exist between two kingdoms may only require 1 week, while a demand for tribute or territory may take up to 4 weeks to work out.  In assigning the TC, the DM should take into account such things as the PC Regents prior relationship with the NPC domain in question as well as the NPC Domains ability to perform the requested action or service.

Type: Domain (Thief: Free)
TC: Special
Success: Special
Base Cost: 1GB
The DM should assign a TC ranging from two to four depending on the complexity of the action being attempted.  To learn what Domains an enemy is allied with may require two weeks, while the organization of an assassination may require four.

Type: Domain
TC: 3
Success: 5+
Base Cost: 1 GB, 1 RP

Type: Domain, Realm
TC: Domain 2, Realm 1+ number of holdings/provinces to be affected.
Success: 2+
Base Cost: 1 RP
Note that the TC is the time required to initiate, not complete, the project(s).

Type: Domain
TC: 1*
Success: Special
Base Cost: Special
A TC of 1 assumes that the PC Regent has as a Lieutenant or Ally a Priest who is on hand and able to perform the investiture ceremony.  If the PC Regent must find a Priest to perform the ceremony, the DM should require him/her  to take an Adventure action to do so.  If there is a Priest available but not on
hand, the DM should adjust the TC of this action to reflect travel time.

Type: Character
TC: 2+
Success: Special
Base Cost: None
To create a new Lieutenant requires two weeks if the DM decides that a suitable candidate exists.  Otherwise, the action may take longer.

Type: Character
TC: 1-4
Success: Special
Base Cost: None
The DM assigns a profitability rating to the characters activity as described on p. 58 of the Birthright Rulebook.  The player then decides how many  weeks he/she will work.  Consult the table below to determine the characters potential income, cross-referencing weeks worked with profitability of
1 wk 2d6 2d10 (1d6+2)x3 6d4x3
2 wks 3d6 5d5+1 (1d6+2)x5 6d4x6
3 wks 4d6 7d6+3 (1d6+2)x8 6d4x8
4 wks 5d6 10d6 (1d6+2)x10 6d4x10

Note:  Resolve Special occupations as per the rules on p. 58 of the Birthright Rulebook.  One action round equals four weeks.  Under special circumstances, the character may hire himself out for less than four weeks, at a proportional reduction in income.

Type: Domain
TC: 1+ spell level divided by 3, rounding up.  Thus it takes 2 weeks to cast
a spell of level 1-3, 3 weeks for a 4-6th level spell, and 4 weeks for a
7-9th level spell.
Success: Special
Base Cost: Special

Type: Character
TC: Special
Success: Special
Base Cost: 1 GB+
Use the appropriate rules in the PHB and DMG for researching spells, creating magic items, etc.  The DM should assign a TC equal to the number weeks required to perform the action, as described in the appropriate rules.

Type: Domain, Realm
TC:  Domain 3, Realm 2 +number of holdings to be ruled.
Success: 10+
Base Cost: 1 GB, variable RP

Type: Domain, Realm
TC: 2 + 1 for every 10 provinces or sea zones between start and end of trade route, rounding up.
Success: 10+
Base Cost: 1 RP, 1 GB

Type: Character
TC: 4
Success: Special
Base Cost: Special

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