Rules Theme


Misc. Troops
In the Description of the character classes in the Birthright rulebook (Pg 11 - 14) is an initial number and type of bodyguard (and thugs for thieves, acolytes for priests, etc. ) given for every regent.
But there are no rules for replenishing the number of personal troops after losing them (typically by getting killed). So we have to give our own rules...

Every owner of a squad of bodyguards (usually every landed regent) gets every month a chance for new applicants. He throws a d100 and, if successful, gets 1d4 new bodyguards of the type he already has. If the regents bodyguards are medium cavalry, every new guard will be medium cavalry.

The percentage of success is X + Leadership score - current number of bodyguards
The X is dependant of the class of the regent as in the following table:
Fighter: 40
Paladin: 40
Ranger: 40
Priest: 30
Druid: 30
Thief: 30
Bard: 30
Mage: 20
Magician: 20

These troops are fighter level 0 and get 1d8+1 HP (DMG P. 17). They can use every weapon from their description of page 11 of the birthright rulebook, they can, if they are cavalry, ride but don't have any other skills.
They start each with negative XP of 2000. If they ever get enough XP to reach zero XP, they become fighters level 1. Then they get 1d10 additional hitpoints, better soving throws and the normal amount of character points (or skills, if you use the old system from the original 2ed. PHB)
They have a 10 in every attribute, so they don't get any boni or mali.

Guild Thugs
In every guild holding are 2d6 + level thugs (P. 13). These men (and women) should not be automatically zero level humans. If you want a more diverse description of your men in your holdings, you can use the following table:
1d20 Class 1d8 Race
1 Magician - Human
2-3 Fighter 1-2 Human
3-4 Dwarf
5 Elf
6-7 Half-Elf
8 Halfling
4-6 Thief 1-2 Human
3 Dwarf
4 Elf
5-6 Half-Elf
7-8 Halfling
7-20 0-Level 1-4 Human
5 Dwarf
6 Half-Elf
7-8 Halfling

Standard Equipment:
Magician: Dagger
Fighter: Leather Armour, Longsword, Light Crossbow
Thief: Leather Armour, Shortsword, Light Crossbow
0-Level: Shortsword, Light Crossbow

With the throw of 2d6 + holding level you set your maximum of men in this holding. If the level the holding changes, you get a new throw with the new level as a modifier. If your holding level goes up, you use the higher of both number, if your guild level goes down, you use the lower of both (the rats are fleeing).
If a regent is in a province where is maximum number of men in his holding is lower than the current number of men (killed, lost, eaten, ...) he gets a chance for new men.
He throws a d20. If the number rolled is lower or equal the difference between maximum number and current number, he gets one new applicant (for the type of applicant, roll once on the table above).

By using a decree action a regent can try to heighten his maximum number of men in one of his holdings. This is not an public decree, its more of a rumour, somebody is seeking some tough men...
He can try to beat his old maximum number of this holding by throwing 2d6 + holding level. If his roll is higher than is old maximum number, it replaces his old maximum number.
Action Type Cost Success Effect
Decree/Guild Free (Thieves only) 1 RP Special See Above.

These are the same rules for emple holdings as above, only with a new table for every god. In the case of temple holdings the decree mentioned above is free for priest regent and not for thief regents

1d20 Class 1d8 Race
1 Paladin - Human
2-3 Fighter 1-7 Human
    8 Half-Elf
4-6 Priest of Haelyn 1-7 Human
    8 Half-Elf
7-20 0-Level 1-6 Human
7 Half-Elf
8 Halfling

Standard equipment:
Paladin: Chain mail, Longsword, medium shield
Fighter: Leather armor, Longsword, light crossbow
Priest of Haelyn: Chain mail, Longsword, medium shield
0-Level: Longsword

Members of the law
Same as above, decree action is free for fighters and paladins. These men are not necessarily members of the normal police or sheriffs, they could be special operatives from the secret police...
1d20 Class 1d8 Race
1 Magician - Human
2-3 Thief 1-5 Human
6 Dwarf
7 Half-Elf
8 Halfling
4-6  Fighter 1-5 Human
6-7 Dwarf
8 Half-Elf
7-20 0-Level 1-4 Human
5 Dwarf
6 Half-Elf
7-8  Halfling

Standard equipment:
Magician: Fighting Staff
Fighter: Leather Armour, Longsword, club
Thief: Leather Armour, club, dagger
0-Level: Padded Armour, club

Experience points:
All NSCs without a class start with a XP of -2000.
If the get enough experience to come to zero, the DM chooses a class (by rolling a d6 on the tables above for example). The new first level NSCs get an additional roll for HP, their new savings throws and the normal amounts of character points.
Bodyguards can be trained by a regent or one of his lieutnants.The trainer must be a fighter and he uses up one of his domain actions. Every bodyguard in training gets 200 XP.
Action Type Cost Success Effect
Training Character - Special +200 XP

By Holger Steiner

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