As some have already noticed, a few of the spellings (and quite a few of the pronounciations where available) of the names and places used on this site are different from what they expected. This is due to two unfortunate factors. The first is my lack of knowlege of ancient languages, particularly Gaelic. The second is most authors lack of knowlege of ancient languages, particularly Gaelic. Most of my sources use a variety of different spellings and pronounciations of the same names, and I lack the ability to determine which is the 'true' way. Over the millenia, the ancient terms have changed much, we have gone from Erin to Ireland after all. Most of the changes came from the Anglicanization of the native Galic terms.

So if you see Tir Na Nog, and think it should be Tir Nan Og, well I used the first spelling I found at the time, and make no apologies for it. As for more mundane spelling errors, well no one is perfect least of all me. But to all those who can Speak the olde Gaelic, and might be offended, I apologize and envy you. 1