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(1) Is the Internet the begining of global unification of Mankind (Age of Aquarius)? - (Or is that just a load of Taurus!)

(2) Is the human brain a body/spirit interface, acting like a filter, which makes us forget past lives for example.
And when damaged, can make us psychic or comatose? (hand me a hammer so I can enlighten myself! - I AM JOKING!!)
(3) Am I me?, or are am I you, or are we me? - (too much vino, or an identity crisis methinks)
Can a soul split in half, as could be the case with twins,explaining the special connection they have?
Are there 2,20,200 or 2000 of me, or you, or us, running around on this Earth.(can souls split infinetly)?
Could the term "Soul Mate" have real meaning?
Are we all part of One, ie GOD? (surely not Bill Gates !!!),(only joking!) 

(4)In Numerology, there are only three letters that equal six, as in
These letters in alphabetical order are: F-O-X !
Does this remind you of someone?
666x3=1998 !!!. 1998/2=999, Turn 999 upside down, and you get
666 !!!.
We better stock up on Holy Water! (and say your prayers!).
Well, we survived 1998, only 1999 and Y2K to worry about.
Wait a minute!, if you turn 1999 upside down it gives "666"!
Now where did I put that Prayer Book and Holy Water!?????
Well it looks like we survived 98/99, and the Y2K hassles have been pretty mild so far. Hopefully the Millenium Bug has been squashed, and it's back to business as usual. 
(5) Do you believe in Life after Death? - Our Concious Mind "dies" every night, it's called "Sleep"!
Enough questions ! (not many Answers! - like, try ZILCH!)
"Seek and you shall Find!" , Try the Links first.   ( hint-every PICTURE tells a story!)
Remember, always go by Instinct or "gut" feeling, to tell you if something seems right or wrong.
Don't dismiss or believe anything 100%, leave room for doubt,
Otherwise you will fill your mind with too many "Dead-Ends!". (don't be a Dead-Head!)
An Open Mind is a Healthy Mind, and hopefully a Healthy Spirit !

I'm not always this serious, but sitting bleary eyed in front of my computer, I wonder if
"The Truth is Somewhere"?.
(Is it on the Internet?)
Links to other sites on the Web
Art Bell Web Site - Internet Broadcast & Archives
Atlantisat's Home Page - Thought Provoking
Jeff Rense - Sightings , Internet Broadcast & Archives
Spirituality - Channeling,Healing,Meditation,Astrology,Mysteries,Yoga etc.
The Dark Side Of The Web
Thiaoouba Prophecy - $1000 if you can disprove it !!
Laura Lee Show - Internet Broadcast & Archives
Yahoo's Paranormal Phenomena Search Site
Reverse Speech - Amazing!(incudes Clinton Reversals)
Light Network Recommended Links
My "MIDI - Short & SFX" Page
*My "Heaven's Gate" Page & Links
My MODS Site(1)
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My Science Fiction & X-Files Links Page
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The Spiritual Way
It's an early effort, so bear with me until I learn about HTML (if I should live that long!).
I welcome contributions to "Food for Thought" (by email), so don't be shy !!!!
If I publish your "Food for Thought" on this page, I will add a Link to your Page!

Please check out the Links above.

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