Industrial Artist
An Electronic Portfolio Samples of my published work
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Independent Label Festival
Chicago 1997
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Here we see my use of mix mediums.  A pen and ink illustion of Peter Gabriel that I also lightly airbrushed over and then the pen & ink illustration above.

Selling Power Magazine
Virginia 1987 - 1990

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I wrote and illustrated posative thinking cartoons and illustrations for magazine.

Selling Power Magazinethis was my very first professional job as an artist at 22, and Laura & Gerhardt were the kindest publishers I have ever had the pleasure to work for.
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Illustration created for an indepth article about the making of the film LONESTAR.
Cover art for RACprops SF Props magazine.
William Marshal
Internal art for the Knight-Errant years section at the William Marshal website.

  • There are hundreds to go through, but expect more of my past magazine illustrations to come soon. As soon as I have time to scan them and put them online, that is.
