Thoughtforms: if you want to do things on the Planes, you'll be using thoughtforms. What are they? Well, remember when I said that you can create things on the Astral Planes? If not, be assured, I did, when discussing the creation of Archetypes. You can make things on the Planes by concentrating on them; the thought will have a physical existance in a place MADE of thought.
For instance; when you dream and you meet someone you know, it's fairly obvious that it's not the REAL person, but a dream-image of them. The dream image is a creation of your own Astral energy, and will not exist for long after your dream. But, IN that dream, it will look and act like a real person. This is for TWO reasons:
But, these dream-images are only a very small part of what thoughtforms are. And, in all honesty, a fairly useless one; there's not much they can do. Mind you, if you're angry with someone, beating up a thoughtform of them can be a good way of getting rid of stress. The thoughforms that ARE useful are those of ACTUAL THOUGHTS. With them, you can do all sorts of things, to yourself, and even to other people.
You might think that just thoughts can't do much, but here you are wrong. Because thoughts control the mind, and the mind controls the body; with thoughtforms, you can, therefore, change your physical form.
But, there's plenty of other things you can do. You can improve yourself on the physical plane, as I mentioned. You can also improve your status: make money, do better at school/work, etc. How? Well, I guess you could call it cheating. But with the benefit; you can't get caught.
So, how can you use the Planes to cheat? Simple; When you're in the Planes, you can travel instantly from one place to another, whether you're going from your bedroom to your living room, or from your house to Saturn. And, is case you've forgotten, time is also a dimension. You can travel to the future, and find out what horse will win a race, or what numbers the Lottery will have. Or what the exam paper is going to be, or what 'surprises' are going to be sprung on you in a business meeting. That's the sort of thing you can do when you learn how to navigate the Planes. There are a few limits; you can only travel around 5 centuries in either direction; the further into the past you go, the paler and less distinct everything becomes, until it is featureless. The future becomes brighter and more vivid the further you go, until it's blinding. Also, you cannot affect the real world when you're in a different time. Not that you can affect it much in the present, of course.
As I have said before, you can't affect much of the real world from the planes: You cannot lift more than a few grams, and even that takes a lot of effort and practice. What you CAN do, if you're skilled enough, is materialise. It's not easy, but can be done; you can make yourself visible to people. Combine that with the ability to alter your shape, which even a novice ought to be capable of, and you'll see some REAL possibilities!
Before you go on to the next page, there's one thing I ought to say: DON'T let Astral Projection take over your life. It's fun, it's beneficial, but the inhabitants are almost entirely non-humans or dead, it does have a few dangers and it is not a substitute for life: treat it as a kind of Netsurfing, a hobby, not a way of life.
Beyond Thoughtforms: Esoterica