The AntBorg
The Borg have yet to cease assimilating any and all cultures they come across. After recently finding a planet in the Delta Quadrant left unassimilated (quite uncommon!) The Borg attacked and assimilated the planet's inhabitants! Insectia, the victim planet, didn't stand a chance. With its inferior technology, and cowering population, it fell to The Borg within hours : With no casualties to The Borg. The Borg now posses yet another powerful weapon : The AntBorg. As with The WormBorg, The Borg have mastered the beings' very nature, and exploited it to its fullest. The AntBorg are fearless. They have been equiped with armour ten times as powerful as any SHIP in the federation. One of these new Borg could handle a photon torpedoe DIRECTLY in the face without even blinking an eye! (The would be if they HAD eyes...which they don' they are equiped with electronic scanners instead!)
Key Points Of The AntBorg
Extreme Armour
Fearlesness Of An Ant
Ability To Carry 10x Its Body Weight! (100 Tons!)
Borg Crafted Phasers In Each Joint
The Federation's Counterstrike!
The Federation, gaining knowledge of The Borg's attempt at an advantage, quickly designed a weapon to defend against the growing threat of The AntBorg. A recently designed "vessel", the Exterminator ExoPod is ther perfect weapon to be used against The AntBorg. It houses one pilot, and has a newly designed "Chain-Gun" phaser attached to each of its "arms". Each phaser blast delivers the punch of about 2.4 photon torpedoes. It is true that an AntBorg can withstand several of these shots, and it is equiped with the adaptability so common to The Borg, but these "Chain-Gun" phaser shots are set to change modulation AND intensity each shot...The AntBorg can't predict what will come next.
It would appear the stage is set for GREAT BATTLES...
As with "Deep Space Nine Gets Assimilated" I will be posting users' stories here. If anyone would like to submit a story about The Federation's battle with The Antborg, please E-Mail WormBorg and your story will be posted HERE, with credit given to you.
Stories Assimilated So Far...
Ken Raymond's "Infestation : Part One"
Ken Raymond's "Infestation : Part Two"