The Borg have decided to assimilate other cultures. One such planet, Wormorius, was an unlucky target. Now the borg have the ultimate weapon : WormBorg. The WormBorg are capable of leveling entire planets in a matter of seconds. The WormBorg are equipped with a special hand-drill, and their natural burrowing ability, so that they can penetrate ANY enemy defense simply by digging UNDER it. These new minions of The Borg are sure to be the downfall of the pathetic federation. A whole line of WormBorg have been designed by The Borg, and are awaiting a new planet to destroy!
Currently, the only hope the federation has of stopping these new Borg, is the duo of Calvin And Hobbes. With their advance "Worm Mucking" manuevers, they can succesfully defeat these difficult enemies : to a point. The WormBorg have amazing adaptivity ; even more than the normal borg. Calvin and Hobbes can change their manevours randomly, but they still aren't able to consistently defeat larger numbers of these creatures.