The Redemption : Part One

As Trilk spoke the borg commands on wide-band subspace to The Federation, Sisko fought the will of the borg implants. He had to destroy them somehow. At that moment Voyager came from warp speed and barely escaped from the borg onslaught. Then the telepathic ocampa Kes reached his mind and entered his mind in a telepathic link. She appeared to him."Who are you?" he asked.

"I'm Kes," said the ocampa. "I'm here to help you fight the borg implants. Here is a console," she said as a console seemed to appear out of nowhere.

"How did you do that!?" Sisko asked.

"In your mind, anything is possible," she explained. "We are going to have to deactivate the neural net that the borg have in the cube and space station so that all assimilated crew members and borg will be seperated from the rest of the Collective. You and the other crew members and borg will be free," she said.

"Well then what are we waiting for!" he laughed, overjoyed that he would be able to see his son again.

two days later...

"The final codes are in place." Sisko told Kes.

"Good." She said. "Ready to enter the codes?" she asked him.

"As ready as you are," he replied. He entered the codes.

To Be continued...

This Story Thanks To : Tod Nelson

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