"I bet someone could roll a huge blunt with that sushi mat. This gives me an idea..." (at the sushi seminar)
"I ain't making no pansy-ass milkshake!!" (did I mention he'd make a lovely cabana boy?)
"Oh GREAT...now the desks are inbreeding..." (the new desks in Journalism looked like a surrealist sculpture exhibit)
"Is that the hurricane?"
"Yes. Yes it is."
-Balthasarr and Rahda (this really does have a good story behind it, but it's too long and too weird to type.)
"When I grow up, I'm moving to the mountains, but I'm going to miss the beach."
"Why don't you move someplace that has mountains and a beach?"
"I don't want to move to Colorado!"
-Balthasarr and Vyn (showin' off his mad geographical skillz, or whatever...)
"Grrr! I'm so mad! I had to get in the longest line at lunch, and they
didn't have french fries, they only had TATER TOTS!"
"*laughs uncontrollably*"
"Don't laugh, you're next!"
-Vyn and Balth (i think they finally implemented a soylent green program in the cafeteria at school)
"Bad little girls get their brains washed out with soap!
Come on, Vyn, stick out you're brains!"
-Balth and Vyn (don't ask. You don't want to know.)
"(singing)...*paranoia, paranoia, everybody's coming to get me...*"
"Are you sure they're not just running from you?"
-Balth and Vyn (a 'Flagpole Sitta' conspiracy theory)
"Spread your legs, Vyn."
-Balth and Vyn (he wanted to sit on my lap. Seriously.)
"Why aren't you guys here yet??"
"Dear, we're primping for you! Oh wait, you're gay!"
-Balth and Vyx (Why Balth shouldn't complain about us being late)
"HAHA! Your ball is impotent against my powers!" (during a paperball fight)
"You know, if I were a girl I'd be the biggest slut in the world." (that's probably true)
"Kendra, stop using my lipgloss! You've got your own!" (I'm sure he meant chapstick...)
"Oww! I just burped out my nose!"
"Ugh! I did it again!"
"*laugh* That's gross."
"What, you've never burped out of your nose?"
"I do it all the time!"
"This will probably end up in the quotebook. You'd better shut your mouth before you regret it."
"I'd better shut my nose."
-Balthasarr and Vyn (for the record, I haven't heard Balth complaining about nose burping since)