Quotes from Rain

As an original member of both the HellForge and the Trinity, Rain has been around to supply many...how shall I say it...poignant remarks on life, the universe, and everything else. Well, almost everything else...

"I'm a chessboard knight!! *starts singing* L shapes! Making L shapes!" (after a while, he sort of boxed himself in...)

"It's not the speed of the modem, it's the size of the download." (on downloading a file)

"We're normal. Everyone else is a freak." (trying to boost the HellForge's self-esteem)

"I had a cancerous left nipple, but I cut it off." (at Vyn's birthday party)

"Anything else? Has Rain said anything incredibly bright today?"
"It's just like everyday!"
-Vyn, Rain, and Rey

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