Photographer X Refutes the Nay-Sayers!

Photographer X, hooded for secrecy

Photographer X has graciously agreed to take some time from his busy life on the run, hunted, with never a safe moment, to soundly denounce and refute some fallacies being stated about his photo and theories.


Interesting story, but the photo is a fake. The man is pointing straight up and the UFO is apparently over the trees somewhere unless it's about half a meter long. Also, if you load the picture into an editor, you'll find that the UFO is EXACTLY THE SAME COLOR THROUGHOUT!! Also, the hull isn't straight. Get a better photo and it might be believable.

Refuting your fallacious observations is almost too easy. Firstly, you seem puzzled by the fact that Witness R is pointing "straight up." Hmmm, isn't it strange that the UFO is floating up in the air? Also, you made the statement that the photo is fake because the hull is a uniform color. Let's think about this fallacious statement shall we? Let's see...these aliens are capable of flying across the galaxy, yet according to you, they can't mix an even shade of paint! Sure, whatever. Ahh, the apparent unevenness of the hull is a valid observation, however it is easily explained. You see, the aliens Fiendish Cloaking Technology bends and warps the visible light spectrum. I caught the UFO in the act of phasing on its cloaking device, thus making the image appear uneven.

Not only a fake, but a poor fake at that. Unless the "ufo" is about 3' across and an equal distance from the photographer as the "witness", then the "witness" is pointing at right angles to the line between the camera and the "ufo", to something else entirely. C'mon least be entertaining.

How much longer must I bear the know-it-all attitude of the ignorant? Did I give up my carefree life to become one of humanity's few defenders for this? For starters, if the UFO is 3 feet in diameter how could the aliens fit inside?!? You are entering the realm of the truly ridiculous. Wrong angle, shmangle! Let's think about this logically shall we? Recall how often it is difficult to see where someone is pointing, because you both have differing points of view? Obviously, Witness R is pointing to the UFO from his line of sight, but it does not match that of the camera, so hence the appearance of a discrepancy (but only to those with a closed mind).

I know a lot about ufo's and photos and i know that photo is totaly faked to think that some people beleve you i feel sorry for them that ufo is in the distance while that guy is facing stright ford if it was that close you would have to aim the camera almost straight up in the air and if y u did that you wouldn't even see that guy plus that ufo dosn't look real at all when we owned our photoshop i lernt how to totaly mutate photos in hundreds of different ways and im still learning im now 12 years old and im pretty good at telling if ufo photos a real or not

Whoa, let's slow that run-on sentence down a little, and think before we make groundless accusations! You accusation about the angle of Witness R's hand has been devastatingly critiqued in the previous two messages...I am very glad that a twelve year old such as yourself learned photographic skills- but do you think it gives you the right to endanger the entire world by mocking my vital work?

Ok listen Up Mr.X that picture you took is like fake because you drew that UFO. I can Tell.

What!?!? What unimaginably talented genius could draw such a stunningly realistic Fiendish Craft? The precise curves…sinister portholes…gorgeous shading… For someone to make such a statement such as you have made requires truly delusional thinking! Wake up and smell burning smoke detectors, pal! We must rise up and destroy our alien oppressors before we are overrun with hordes of ravening "Frenchmen," vegetarians, and "postal workers"!

heY YoU gUyS!i saw your ..erm..well, CrAP fake photos, and it kind of pissed me off. i KnOw aliens exist,i am 100%sure of it, so don't ridicule the theory by publishing those crap photos..!ThE TrUtH iS oUT tHerE!! ps: mail me back if yer intrested in discussing it=).. PeAce OuT!!!

I see you have already been deluded by the alien duplicates here on earth! Their sinister influence shows clearly in you distorted train of thought, your erratic capitalization, and your bizarre conclusions. Learn the truth before it is too late!

Get a better picture it to made up looking. I did not even read the stories becouse I thought the picture was to unrealistic looking.

Alien! I denounce and condemn you in the name of humanity! Begone from our planet!

I think aliens are fake and people should lay off of it.People are crazy to believe this. The only reason why people keep talking about it is,because they have nothing better to do. They should get a life.

Crazy? Rather, I think the crazy ones are those that ignore the blatently obvious truth about the existance of sinister aliens infesting the entire globe! They live their petty lives, drinking flourine, buying smoke detectors, using the "US" postal service...when any rational person would be engaged in savage guerrilla warfare with the invaders!

That first picture is really fake Oh by the way aliens rule check out this web page

Little boy, do not toy with forces you do not understand!

that photo is really lame and obviously fake.

It is exactly this kind of mindset that could doom earth to a blatant invasion from beyond the stars! Do you not realize what is going on here?!?! Can you be so blind?

The picture on your page is a fake. Your created it with a computer program to add it in the pic of you pointing in the sky.

Sir, if you had read my testimony, you would know that it was Witness R not, I, Photographer X, who is in the picture pointing at the UFO! And I most assuredly did not enhance this horrifying photo by electronic means.

this is so fake get a better hobby

A hobby?!? So you think saving the entire Earth from annihilation is but a mere hobby? Has all my feverish work been in vain? And how can you call this horrifying portent of the alien invasion, my chillingly realistic photo, fake? Are you completely blind? Or are you "French"?

That "alien" looks like a paper plate with holes in it.

By "alien" I suppose you mean the craft, correct? A paper plate. Hmmm. Let's see. Personally, I don't know any paper plates that are equipped with Fiendish Cloaking Technology, or are capable of faster-than-light travel, or that can hold a crew of meglomanical space aliens. Perhaps paper plates are a little more substantial in your "little world." Could that be it?

your photo is a fake because the background is very clear but the object is not indicating photo retouchind and/or computer enhancing

Oh, I see. The crisp, clear background does not mean superior photographic skills or realism, but rather fraud! The fact that there is a difference between the horrifying craft and the background was easily explained- you see, it is the alien's Fiendish Cloaking Technology that warps and bends the visible light spectrum, making the craft appear blurred and indistinct!

I love aliens and your dumb pic. is fake fake fake!! Maybe you should try the story was good I have admit but the pic was just plain dumb!! try harder next time

You love aliens?!? I suppose you also love root canals, calculus and getting beat over the head with a lead pipe too? Is all my work, my years of sacrifice and hardship for nothing? And now you attack my "dumb pic"! Now let us see...if I was trying to hoodwink the unsuspecting public, I would have used many a devious artifice to make the photograph appear genuine...but the fact that some persons who are unable to fully accept the horrifying truth, think that the photo looks "fake" and "cheesy" goes to prove my intent is not to fool the public, but rather to expose the terrifying truth, without electronic enhancements to the photo!

Hmmm, well you really are not very good at faking pictures are you. For a start the perspective is all wrong, the guy looks like he is pointing roughly straight up, and the (ahem) ship appears to be in the distance. I have seen more likely pictures drawn by five year olds. And you didn't have to create a web site round it did you? Apart from that it's well laid out and eye catching. So good web effort.

You are right, I am not good at faking photos...however, I am excellent at taking horrifyingly genuine photos of sinister UFOs engaged in nefarious acts over the soil of earth! Silly nay-sayer- if only you had read the material on this section earlier you would not be wasting our time with niggly little accusations of "perspective" as such have been explained to the full satisfaction of anyone who's mind has not been clouded by our horrifying oppressors. So the UFO appears to be in the distance does it? Well, isn't it funny- the UFO is in the distance. Yes, and I guess I didn't have to create a website about my terrifying encounter with the aliens, and the information I uncovered about their vile plots. I could have hid in a cabin in the woods, letting the aliens continue their ruthless plans for the domination of the entire world instead of exposing myself to public ridicule and constant danger to educate you, the uncaring public! But then where would my beloved planet be? Easy prey to every alien Tom, Dick and Harry who wished to infiltrate and usurp it for their own twisted purposes? By no means must this happen! Humanity will prevail!

That's the fakest thing I've ever seen. I mean you could have gotten someone older than six to draw that horrible picture of a U.F.O. This is a discrace to Aliens everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since you could not think of anything original to say, you should have used the new Nay-sayer's Form Letter. It was created for ease and convenience of those alien-deluded pawns who wish to criticize, but find it too difficult to think of something new.

It looks utterly fake, almost humerous. You could at least make it look like the guy is pointing to the craft. No offense, but your making a mockery of the true sighters....and abductees.

Humorous? Who could possibly find the most horrifying threat ever to face our planet humorous?!? And would I, Photographer X, dare to "make a mockery" of our true believers...with their wealth of hard evidence, and horrifyingly convincing testimonies?

The picture is so obviously fake- I don't see why you bother disputing it at all. It is completely out of proportion with EVERYTHING else in the photo (ie-the man). It is obviously just a frisbee/ plate you suspended with wire from one tree to another. In my book 'The UFO Phenomenon' by Time-life books there are many pictures exactly like it. So get a life guys- take a picture that is not as bad and as fake as this one is.

What? Shall we doom earth to annihilation at the hands of the meglomanical alien horde on the flimsy assertion that the photo is of a "frisbee/plate"?!?! Will we be forced to tell our children that we were too busy ridiculing the messenger of Horrifying Tidings that we completely missed the message of Impending Doom, and thus lost our opportunity to act?

However, everyone has a right to their own (wrong) opinion as to the stunning realism of this horrifying portent of coming invasion...but it pays to consider the evidence:

Fact #1: The UFO moved with incredible speed, a speed that mankind is incapable of replicating. Obviously, this is no "frisbee on a line."

Fact #2: The UFO is in the sky at some distance, therefore it looks smaller than it really is. It is not "out of proportion" as some have so ignorantly called it. Does not an airplane in the sky look like a tiny bug, crawling across an immense blue canvas? Of course it does. Why should the Horrifying Craft of Meglomanical Space Aliens be any different?

As you can clearly see, all attempts to assail the validity of the photo have FAILED. I think it's time to prepare for the invasion, don't you?

the fact that all this "true believers" don't see, that this site is obviously meant to be a joke, shows me that they are not very smart

A joke? Who in their right mind could consider the subjugation of the human race by vile, meglomanical space Aliens a joke?!? Are you utterly mad? How can you dare to question the intelligence of these tireless workers on humanity's behalf, who live scorned and unthanked? When the invasion comes, who would you rather have in the foxhole beside you- a pathetically helpless "skeptic" or a true believer with his enormous stockpile of munitions, and encyclopedic knowledge of the weaknesses of our fearsome enemy?

Are the stores in this web sit real are made up.When i was reading them they sunded made up.

What? Who could possibly "make up" horrifying testimonies of such convincing enormity? Glowing rutabagas...fiendish, Proteus-infested smoke detectors...Martha that not enough to convince you of the validity of the keen and horrifying insight possessed by myself, Photographer X?

i believe in ufo's,but the photo is a very poor quality fake.the stories are so lame...i have never heard one of these stories anywhere else,i know quite a bit on the subject and have read all kinds of stuff going back to the 1950's and 1960's...sorry this site is a hoax

The reason you have never heard of my horrifying testimony is simple- alien oppression! The UFO community has been spoon-fed drivel by our heinous opponents- some poor, deluded souls have even claimed that the aliens are here to "enlighten" and bring us to a "higher plane"! When evaluating UFO literature, one must ask oneself- Does this account promote rabid hatred towards aliens, and foment an effective paranoid worldview? If so, the account is obviously genuine. If not, you have undoubtedly stumbled across a devious fake, designed to further the annihilation of humanity!

ok, the photo on the homepage is so unreal. First of all, the people are pointing in a totally different place than where the "spaceship" is. And second, you can so tell that the hip is airbrushed or drawn it. I don't think that a planet with high enoug technology to send a spacecraft to another galexy would build it with crooked lines and fuzzy un-even lights!! Could you be more obvious??

"Pointing in an different direction...blah blah blah…airbrushed…blah blah blah…" Enough! Can you not see you are falling into "their" fiendish fists?!?! By choosing to believe the many who would seek to discredit my supremely vital work, you are not only placing yourself in danger of becoming a mindless drone, you also imperil Humanity! Our Extraterrestrial Menace will stop at nothing- nothing, mind you!- to delude humanity that the constant abductions are nothing more than "bad dreams" and that the horrifying Alien Crafts are "swamp gas"!

The Alien brutes! They even attempt to use the astounding evidence of their Fiendish Cloaking Technology to discredit the unbearable truth! Their mind-numbingly abominable crafts usually conceal themselves by invisibility generators…luckily, I, Photographer X, captured the craft before it could fully cloak, and thus the apparently fuzziness of the image instead proves this horrifying fact!

I never thought that I would ever say this to anyone,; After reading your page I can only conclude that who ever wrote this dribble is NUTS and needs to be on heavy doses of Prozac. That whaco article on the smoke detectors is what set me dont know what you are talking about. I have built many of these Americium-241 ion detectors, so I know what is in them..I also dismanteled many of them to take out the isotope for other uses.. I think you should read up on a subject before writing about it. Thanks for the laugh

Prozac! Yes, I have been exposed to this, and many other horrifying alien poisons during my temporary imprisonment at an alien "re-education" facility! My court-ordered "psychiatrist" (ha!) made sure to keep me drugged at all times. These insidious alien chemicals attack the nervous system, telling you that maybe the aliens "aren't out to get you after all" similar nonsense! My will was sapped, my mind dulled…like that of any number of alien deluded souls! Luckily, I managed to effect a daring breakout, and the alien hallucinogens gradually wore off, restoring my mind to its razor-sharp, perceptive self!

your web site is cool but i think you should know better than going around and telling people to get out of town and that the eiffel tower is an alien base! I am from france and i have certain relations with the man who constructed that tower i if you are crazy enough to say that fire detectors are alien mind readers then so be it! But what proof do we have that you're not some kind of alien. I mean, how else would you know about the gouverment being a bunche of aliens and that londry-mats are invated by a iens? simply expain it in a calm and mature way and i might just believe it!

Who, me an alien!?!? Rather, I think it is you, an admitted "Frenchman", who is the alien! Fiend! How dare you dismember our cattle, fluoridate our water and inflitrate our Post Office and turn around and accuse I, Photographer X, of not being the mature, rational, xenophobic human being that I am!

There appears to be a high degree of knowledge missing regarding geomorphology and vulcanism.

Knowledge? I assume you mean insidious alien propaganda! Who could possibly believe such horrific alien lies, about giant upwellings of lava "just happening"! Surely, the diabolical truth about the construction of gigantic, netherwordly alien complexes can no longer be denied by any thinking person. And for a person to make a statement such as you have just made, I have just one suggestion- please get in touch with Dr. Danger immediately, and have the alien device removed from your body, before it is too late!

You people need a life!

I had a life...until the aliens came. Now, my every waking moment is filled with unbelievable horror, dark depths of suspicion, and an uncanny ability to ferret out the atrocious deeds of our Extraterrestrial is for the sake of humanity that I continue my heroic work, in secret. Toiling in the alien-infested cities...trekking through blasted the Arctic wastes...high-powered weaponry and a hyperdeveloped sense of paranoia are my only friends. Soon, I shall wrest my life back, from the cold, dead hands of our Fiendish Invaders!

Do you have any flimsy objections for Photographer X to demolish? Send them to

Or feel free to take advantage of the Nay-Sayer's Form Letter should you not have enough time to come up with something original.

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