Matthew Chapter 24
- What did Jesus' disciples want to show him? ___________________________________
- What prophecy did Jesus state concerning the temple? ___________________________
- What two questions did Jesus' disciples ask? __________________________________
- "Take heed that no one __________________ you."
- Many will come in Jesus' name and ___________________________ many.
- "You will hear of ____________________ and rumors of ____________________."
- "_________________ will rise against ___________________, and ________________
against _____________________."
- "There will be ___________________, ____________________, and _______________
in various places."
- "You will be _________________ by all nations for My name's sake."
- Many ___________________ ____________________ will rise up and deceive many.
- He who ___________________ __________ __________ ________________ will be
- The end would come when the gospel ____________________ __________________.
- What prophet spoke of "the abomination of desolation?" _______________________
- Let those who are in Judaea flee to _________________________.
- "And pray that your flight may not be in _____________________ or on the
- Then there will be great ____________________.
- For the ____________________ sake, those days will be shortened.
- Who were these in question #17? ____________________________________________
- How will we know when Jesus is about to return? _______________________________
- This generation _______________________________________ until all these things are
- Who does know when Jesus will return? ______________________________________
- What is the only thing we can do concerning Jesus' return? _______________________
- As the days of Noah (Noe) were, so will be ____________________________________.
- Heaven and earth will pass away but _______________________ will by no means pass
- What will the master of the evil servant do when he returns and finds His servant doing
those things that he should not be doing? ______________________________________