Dark Forces

LASECBASELevel 1 - Secret Base
LATALAYLevel 2 - Talay: Tac Base
LASEWERSLevel 3 - Anoat City (the subterranean hideout)
LATESTBASELevel 4 - Imperial Weapons Research Facility
LAGROMASLevel 5 - Gromas Mines
LADTENTIONLevel 6 - Imperial Detention Center
LARAMSHEDLevel 7 - Ramsees Hed Docking Port
LAROBOTICSLevel 8 - Robotics
LANARSHADALevel 9 - Nar Shaddaa
LAJABSHIPLevel 10 - Jabba's Ship
LAIMPCITYLevel 11 - Imperial City
LAFUELSTATLevel 12 - Fuel Station
LAEXECUTORLevel 13 - The Executor
LAARCLevel 14 - The Arc Hammer
LAREDLITEFreezes all enemy - they will take damage but it will not effect them until the LAREDLITE is turned off.
LASKIPComplete current level
LAUNLOCKGet all keys, code cards, Dark trooper gun (broken), data tape, ice cleats, and Phrik metal
LARANDYWeapons supercharge - faster firing rate on all weapons.
LAPOSTALAll weapons and ammo
LAPOGOHeight check toggle.
LANTFHTeleport up or down one level
LAMAXOUTFull ammo, shields, items and weapons.
LADATAShow coordinates
LACDSReveal Map
LABUGBug mode - Lets you crawl through narrow passages.

Command line params

-c0 disable cutscenes, brief, and agent menu
-f disable files= test
-g record file name list
-l Run level
-m Disable memory check
-p Use JEDIPATH variable for search path
-shots Screen shots. Use [PrntScrn] to create a PCX in current dir.
-t Auto test
-u Load user GOB file called
-x Use CD in drive ex: D

The following are codes the programmer seemed to have put in for no reason: