The Main Doctor Who Page

Thank you for visiting my Doctor Who page. I hope you will find something of interest...

My discovery of the series
A Day With Dr. Who, from the 1972 Countdown Annual
Yoo-Hoo Monsters! From TV Guide, June 10-16, 1972. I bet you thought their first DW article was in 1983...
What would have been an interesting experiment regarding the Hartnell years
My page of Links 'n' Likes
My experiences at Who Party 11
Please, do not tell the Sontarans about this
Find out how a local furniture store plans to exterminate the competition
Read Patrick Troughton's obituary from The New York Times
Find out about the Nestene Honda
Read some of the introductions by Howard DaSilva that were put onto American prints of the Tom Baker years during the late 1970s
Find out about the American edition of Doctor Who in an Exciting Adventure with the Daleks
See my pictures from Visions '97
Read about my experiences at the 25th Anniversary Convention that was run by New Jersey Network
Read about Doctor Who in Mexico
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