Hola!! Bienvenidos a . My name is Sarah Chapman but since that is so plain *censored by LG*, you can call me ¤gÃbßÿ¤. I am a 20 year old college student at Agnes Scott College in Atlanta, GA. My major is History/Medieval and Renaissance Studies with an unofficial minor in Spanish. You can find out more about me at ¤gÃbßÿ¤s Dementia. Hope you like my page and be sure to look below for some groovaliciously solid thangs.

It's cheap... ...and easy!!!!

Some Funkdabulously Groovy Sights

It's da Muppets.."it's not easy bein' green."

It's cheap STILL and easy!!!!

Dragon Hold, Underhill

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La Discoteca

My Funky Friends

Loose Lips Les (member FCC)

Earful Em (member FCC)

kIcKiN ~*kOtTeR*~ (member FCC)

Funky Flakes (member FCC) RKG

Ъ¥Ð®êãm§ Ðì§â§†ê®™ aka Grandpa

Road Pig (Piggy!!)

**Slinky** *slink slink*


Tyler (a special love for a very special friend)

ÐRüÜÑÅ aka Ps¥løçkë




†ŠÚß~ZŒ®Ø† aka the Doc

ņmø§phé®é aka Cutie #1

†he WiZâ®Ð in G£Å§§ (creative writing major)

Da Gillette Boyz (Drew and Louis)



¡ßÜßßÄ ßÓÔHÉ¥™!

Lost Girl (member FCC)

any many more...

My Fav Funky Places



The Vator

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And Because I'm Still A Toys'R US Kid

Damn if they aren't sexy...hehe!

My Funky Alternate Personalities

ƒûñkÿ çhî¢àgûr|

Þûß Çràw|ér ƒ


Ðîsçó Mâmà


Fred (shhh..it's a secret)

†h£ §£x¥ ¶ÜNî§héR (thanx Bubbz)


Khadija bint 'Abd al-Rahman al-Andalusiyyah (Barony of South Downs, Kingdom of Meridies)

Jealle, rider of green Raineth (Thread's End Weyr)

You are the

Groovy person see FunkyTown.

Jingle My Horn!

Come on--You know you're Nosy!
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