Your home for the depths of your mind;

Once your realize the potential, you'll never want to return..

Welcome! I am so glad that you found my little home away from home in this gigantic void of endless web sites. This is a place where I hope to be able to put alittle of myself out for everyone to see. Since I am terribly lazy at getting around to updating this page please just bear with me while I work on learning some html and gathering some material to put up here.

It's been a while since I started this page, and I finally have some stuff to put up for all to see! First off, one of my true joys in life is writing poetry, so if you are a fan of poetry also, you might want to check out my P-O-E-T-R-Y page. Here I have put some of the poetry I've written that I am really proud of. I hope you like it, and if you have any comments, I would simply love to hear them! So please email me with any and all comments (The address is at the bottom).

--- I still have a ton of work left to do on this page before it will be anywhere near what I am hoping it to be, but for now I hope you enjoy the poetry!

Try out these links! If you enjoy challenging everything you believe about yourself and the world around you, you MUST check out this site! A different, yet interesting site about links between modern science and ancient knowledge.
My High School Senior Picture.
Western New England College's Web site - Springfield, Massachusetts
Signs of the Times- Daily world news that is as objective as it gets. If you're used to propagandist tv for your news, you might not like truly objective news such as this!

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