The X-Files Links Page
The X-Files - The Official X-Files Page
Foxhome - The Fox Television Network X-Files Web site - Info about X2
AgtScully's X-Files Page - My cyber pal's page
Gossamer main archive - A very complete fanfic site
Gossamer mirror site - a US mirror site
Romantic Fanfic - a shipper's paradise
Xangst Anonymus Home Page- If angst's your thing, this is the place!
Mailing list - Great mailing list site
Deep background - a great place to research for your fanfic, very extensive info
X-Factor - X-Philes and Millennials Protest against FOX Television Network and Ten-Thirteen Productions shutting down sites created by loving fans! Free speech is a responsibility. It rests on our shoulders to keep it alive. Fight the conspiracy--Mulder would.
X-Links Central - Lots and lots of links!
The x-filing cabinet - Great links
XFRPG - The x-files role playing game
The DDEB Homepage - The David Duchovny Estrogen Brigade.
The GATB Homepage - The Gillian Anderson Testoserone Brigade.
The X-Files Newsgroup,, alt.binaries.x-files
X-Files related links
Federal Bureau of Investigation - the real deal
Aliens, UFO's, Space, Conspiracies, Skeptics & The Weird Wild Web Links Page - great links page for the stuff mentioned above
X-Files Non-related sites
The unofficial Harrison Ford Page - What can I say, I'm a FordFocusedPhile. For those of you who don't know what that is, I'm a big fan of Mr. Ford :)
The MIB homepage - My fav summer flick so far
-David Letterman, My favorite late night talk show host
Edgar Allen Poe Page - My favorite Poet
North Vancouver - My hometown : )
Ed's internet book review - I love reading books, and this is a really cool book review page!
Z95.3 - My favorite radio station
If you have a website that you wish to be included in the above list, please e-mail me at