Krynn's magical pantheon


Also known as the Son of Light and as the Mighty Hand, presides over quiet, constructive magic. Solinari is the deity worshipped by white robed mages across the face of krynn. Solinari is embodied in the night sky by the white moon of the same name.


Also known as the daughter of neutrality and the veiled Maiden, governs illusion and reshaping magic. Lunitari is the Goddesss worshiped by the neutral mages of Krynn and is embodied in the night sky by the red moon of the same name.


Also known as the Son of Darkness and the Devouring Dark, controls magic of destruction and domination. Nutari is the God of magic worshipped by the evil black robed mages of krynn. Nutari is embodied in the night sky by the black moon of the same name which only His followers can see.

Falkin's Tower

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