For all that has happened since September 11, 2001, the best voice of reason comes from Optimus Prime; "Never give in! Never surrender!" Transform and roll out my friends!

Dear Friends,

I have created and signed the online petition:

The On-line Transformer Tech-Spec and Bio Petition

I personally believe in what this petition says, and I think you might agree, too. If you can spare a moment, please take a look, and consider signing yourself.

Best wishes,


The new TOY STORE opens soon! Be my lucky first customer! Buy Universe Optimus Primal! The item is brand new and box is C8 at least. $18.99 + S/H More, many more toys to come soon!

Check out new information and sketches from the upcoming War Within: The Dark Ages

Newsbytes from the Hasbro presentation:

1. Takes place 10 years after Aramda. This was the first official confirmation that Energon would be a continuation of the Armada Universe.

2. The kids are GONE! A thunderous round of applause was greeted by a collective boo, though, when Michelle fields informed that Energon would have one kid. She assured us he/she would be a cool character.

3. The Autobots are outpowered by the Decepticons, who now have "hyper power." To counter this, the Autobots combine with one another. Hot Shot is redesigned and merges with a new Autobot that resembles G1 Ironhide. Much fun was to be had when we were told the Autobots could be either a "top" or "bottom" in an endless number of combinations.

4. Optimus Prime merges with - FOUR - other Autobots! That's right, Optimus Prime is going to be a gestalt!

5. There will be at least two other factions, the Terrocons and the Omnicons. Nothing specific about the Terrocons other than the figure presented was a beast form. The Omnicons are a subfaction such as the Mincons that can "handle" Energon in its pure form.

6. There will be a female Autobot in the 2004 line. Her name is known by a few of us ... Arcee (whose vehicle mode is a motorcycle)!

7. Hasbro is looking into reissuing the Pwermasters, Headmasters, and Targetmasters.

8. Reissues will continue throughout 2003 and through 2004.

9. Transformers: Energon (or Prelude to Energon) will be released for the PS2 in Q2 2004.

10. Alternators will be licensed realistic vehicles based on G1 names and forms (1/24th scale). Many have known for a bit know that Smokescreen is an Alternator, but he will also be joined by a red vehicle/robot ... Sideswipe (and yes, he looks just as good)!

11. The Energon animated series will be produced in a cel-shaded format by Aeon. Orson (Aaron Archer) assured the fans that greater care will be put into the production of the new series.

12. Hasbro showed pictures of Energon and Alternator figures in their presentation while Michelle Fields played some dramatic music while everyone watched a lengthy clip of Energon. Yes, it does look good, and Scorponok, while hidden in the shadows, looks ... HUGE (not to mention deadly)!

13. Megatron will be in Energon. The Hasbro team did not specify -which- Megatron, however, would be in Energon.

The first wave of Energon toys were put on display shortly after the Hasbro presentation. Optimus Prime, Hotshot, Inferno/Ironhide, a Terrocon, a jet, and a dune buggy were near the bottom of Hasbro display. Thankfully, the day-glow colors of Armada seem to be a thing of the past. I did take pictures, but I will leave those to be put up for viewing by the usual suspects (tformers, tfw2005, transfandom, etc).

TOMORROW: The Exclusives, the haul, the dealer room, the journey, the dinner, overall impressions, and more!

The Exclusives:

As everyone living under a rock knows by now, the large exclusive are two repainted RID Sideburns. Both are females. One is an Autobot, the other a Decpticon (Roulette and ShadowStriker, respectively). In addition to awesome new paint apps, both Transformers share a new head!

The smaller exclusive was a RID Prowl repainted (with the police lights removed) as G1 Sideswipe.

The hotel exclusive was also the above Rid Prowl redeco, but colored as G1 Sideswipe. Both figures were excased in great packaging, with G1 Tech Spechs/Bios, but seemed to suffer from "bubbling" paint apps where the lights were removed on top.

The final convention exclsuive was a set of Starcream, Thundercracker, and Skywarp Heroes of Cybertron with 3 Decpticons seekers on one massive backing board. Tech spech/bios were included on the back of the packaging for all characters.

The 2004 preregistrant exclusive was a HOC translucent Starscream named ... Sunstorm!

My Botcon/OTFCC 2003 HAUL included 3 sets of the larger exclusives, 2 sets of the smaller exclsive, the dinner exclusives (which I will talk about later), 2 sets of the hotel exclusive, Beast Wars Neo Gigastorm, a case of the world's smallest Transformers, Armada Tidal Wave, Hoist, Overload, Skywarp, Rhinox, and Wheeljack, the RolePlay Star Saber, the 2004 Preregistrant Sunstorm, and Rodimus Major.

The dealer room seemed smaller this year. I'm not sure if it was because there was actually a smaller group of dealers, or if the dealer room was so honking huge. The usual get up and wait in line two hours before the room opened and all of the associated delays ensued. Not to mention that I spent way too much money (see above). But, hey, that's what Botcon is all about, yessss?

The journey to Botcon/OTFCC was going great until arriving at I90. Anyone else that travelled that route knows what I went through. For everyone else ... well, let's just say that I now know what road rage means. :)

The dinner this year went much smoother than last year. In some instances, too smooth. One could tell that the servers were on a time table this year, and some people seemed to have one dish served literally on top of another. The food also seemed better this year, with tasty vegetables, mashed potatoes, and a delicious (although a bit dry) chicken with mushroom sauce. The highlight of the dinner was the dessert; a very yummy strawberry cheesecake.

Check back tomorrow for overall impressions and other fond memories of Botcon, yes Botcon, 2003.

Like a good Transformer mystery? Click HERE to catch up with SuperDeformer's on-going interactive comic strip.

I have an auction up for one hotel exclusive, one large convention exclusive, and one small convetion exclusive HERE

Check out this nice price for Micromaster Sixbuilder!

Find many hard to find G1 Transformers for sale.

LIVING DREAMS is currently undergoing extensive renovation. Please check back often for updates as the new site goes on-line. New items being created include:

  1. on-line toy store
  2. more extensive toy reviews
  3. exclusive artwork
  4. updated and new fiction