Inter-dimensional travel brings creatures that feed on energy to Earth, causing blackouts and immense loss of life. Can they be stopped, and what connection do they have to the Taelons?
There's not a lot going on in this story. Creatures arrive, creatures feed, a way to stop them is found, the creatures go home. The idea of energy eating beings is a familiar one, but the risk appears when it is pointed out that Taelons are primarily energy, and can be killed by these creatures for food.
Leaving aside the main plot, there is more going on here behind the scenes, with no-one's motives totally clear. This is where the episode works well, as Zo'or is the prime suspect until proved innocent, and it is never made clear who has caused this 'invasion' or why, although there are hints. Sandoval is served well here, with some recognition of his real feelings about the Taelons, and Lili obviously starts wondering whether he is a Liberation ally, or working for his own cause. This will hopefully be followed up later in the year, as it also brings Lili into the storylines more. It's been a bit too much Liam and Augur lately.
Still badly served though is Da'an. One of the main reasons for the series' popularity from the start has now been effectively sidelined in favour of Zo'or. Seeds are planted by Liam in this episode that hint at a coup, but Da'an really needs to get into the action a bit more, with less emphasis on his mentoring of Liam (something you rarely see him do anyway).
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