Searching for Xev, Stan and Kai visit Girltown, where Stan meets the sadistic and psychotic Queen and Kai releases some prisoners.
Yes, it’s the big gay big camp LEXX episode, as Kai meets up with the ‘girls’ of Girltown, who are, of course, gay men. And in case you thought that it’s a good idea to release them from slavery, all it causes is the arrival of Jimmy Somerville, who decides to sing. Now, while I don’t wish to rain on anyone’s parade, watching a group of blokes camping about is not my idea of fun, and Michael McManus seems not so much his deadpan Kai self as actually quite embarrassed to be at the middle of it all.
Meanwhile, Stan gets an audience with the Queen, who looks uncannily like Giggerota. Now, what this leads to is Queen’s desire to have Stanley’s body. While he, for an inordinately long amount of time, decides to assume that she wants to have sex with him, it eventually becomes more than abundantly clear that she merely wants his actual body with the head removed. As the viewer has worked this out about 25 minutes before Stan has, not only does it become incredibly boring, as repetitive misunderstanding can be, but the revelation that Queen is merely a head on a mechanical contraption is no shock at all and should happen a whole lot earlier.
Finally, there’s Xev. Considering that she’s the reason the others are there in the first place, she does nothing for the whole episode except wander around, allowing for some time-filling shots of her in corridors.
This is starting to get ridiculous, so it’s lucky we’re almost at the end of the story. Kai and Stan dropping into the oceans of Water at the end is a good cliffhanger, as it means there’s no hope of rescue for Stan. Let’s close this now, shall we?
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