When a drag race results in the disappearance of one of the cars involved, Cade goes to investigate and discovers that Jason Coleman is the latest in a long line of disappearances...
The start of this episode is really cool, sort of like Back to the Future in the way a fast-moving car vanishes to who-knows-where. Sadly, the rest of this tale of a different kind of alien abduction never quite takes off in the same way. The characters are dull, and the explanation for what's happening, although inventive, just isn't particularly interesting, with the final confrontation over too easily.
It's starting to seem that First Wave creator Chris Brancato has to rely on his other writers to do the better stories. Cade's attempts to uncover what is happening really drag, with attempts to build the characters of the guest stars doomed to failure due to their total lack of personality.
The ending of the story is too silly, with Cade and his associate trapped in a quantum pocket. Luckily, in true A-Team style, the pair are surrounded with just what they need to build a device to escape. Handy. The best bit is the discovery of previously vanished people, though. Seeing a skeleton still sat in a car wearing his glasses is too funny for words, especially as there's no sign that the car's inhabitants died on arrival. Did they just sit there until they decomposed? There should be corpses littering the place, not packed carefully away!
Once again, the alien is pretty obvious, although it does throw up some more questions. The alien has apparently been living as a certain human for years, as a lot of people went to school with him. I thought the invaders used husk bodies, not replaced humans? Plus, once again, this guy doesn't have a clue who Cade Foster is. Surely the alien hierarchy would have sent a message warning their comrades about him after several months?
Overall, nice ideas, but they just don't gel.
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