Trading with an alien merchant, Tom Paris requests a shuttle that he determines to revitalize in his spare time. However, soon the shuttle starts to control his every thought and action.
This review is not going to take long. Alice is a truly dreadful episode. Firstly, it's a Tom Paris episode, and to my memory in the six years of the series, there's never been a good one of these. Secondly, I've been told it's very similar to Stephen King's Christine. Having never read the book or seen the film, I have no idea, but the idea is still very silly.
Nothing actually goes right with the episode. Paris's brief return to his senses when Alice tries to kill B'Elanna is short-lived, and we are given no information as to what exactly Alice is, where she came from, how she can do everything she is doing, and why. She brings Tom to the anomaly-in-space-of-the-week, but we are never told what her plan is. Badly plotted and written, totally predictable from beginning to end, Alice is the worst kind of Voyager episode: one with no original ideas and a load of technobabble pretending to be story. Frankly, the only good bit is the opening scene in which Paris and Kim bait Tuvok, but it goes completely downhill from there on. They should have let the shuttle have him.
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