The X-Files: Season Nine

Other Seasons Reviewed:

Season Six

Season Seven

Season Eight

The story so far: Scully has given birth to a perfectly normal human baby and named it William after her father. It seems Mulder is the father. There is a new force of aliens at large, with their roots extending right into the FBI, with Deputy Director Kersh apparently involved somehow along with John Doggett's old friend Knowle, who is a 'replicant' himself. It seems the latest mutation of the alien virus allows them to 'break out' of human bodies and replace key figures in positions of power. The aliens were strangely interested in Scully's child, but seemed disappointed when it was human, suggesting that more is afoot than we currently realize. Mulder has been dismissed from the FBI after a dramatic return to life and the new agent in charge is John Doggett. He brings in old friend Agent Monica Reyes on a consultancy basis with certain cases. In overall charge, but reporting to Kersh and having problems keeping his job thanks to his new status as a believer, is Assistant Director Skinner. In a fatal confrontation, he shot Alex Krycek in cold blood for refusing to reveal just what the aliens after Scully wanted, but he may have been caught on camera...

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Nothing Important Happened Today II (2 of 2)



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Providence (2 of 2)

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