
    Vol. 1                   THE MONTFORT MIME              Issue # 11

                            "Knowledge is Power"



| Rosh Valdokka (Greg Dewey).............Editor-In-Chief         |

| Drywen Regelli (Becca Ward)............Assistant Editor        |

| Zzaann S. T'aevyl (Sheli Ellwood)......Local News Editor       |

| The Eagle (J. Endicott)................International Editor    |

| Trouble Windwalk (Adrienne)............Classifieds Editor      |

| Tyal (Von Sleigher)....................Thieve's Source         |

| Kit Tvyvar (Cathy Mosley)..............Investigative Reporter  |

|                                                                |

| Reach us at: 3mfpl7n@cmuvm.csv.cmich.edu                       |


SPECIAL THANKS:  I would like to thank, up-front, those who responded to 

my desperate pleas for assistance in writing the various reports on the 
events at the Festival and Cleansing.  The kind souls who took the time 

to throw something together for me were:  Phaedra Whitlock, writing as 

Brittany Moorland; Cathy Mosley, writing as Megan Kornfield; Dennis 

Groome, writing as Alec Greentoe; Blake Sinclair, writing as Blake of 

St.Clair, and Boyd Boedeker, Dave Womack and Jack Smith writing as 

themselves (they need no pseudonyms...).

                                                        --Becca Ward


                        SPECIAL EDITION


        In reporting on the recent upheavel in Montfort, the editorial 

staff of the Montfort MIME solicited submissions from Republic and Church 

personnel.  The accounts from the viewpoints of Republic and Church 

representatives, whether official or unofficial, are presented as 

submitted.  These accounts have not been edited and do not represent the 

viewpoints of the MIME staff.



[Church/Politi/Order]; by Brittany Moorland 

(The unofficial Church version)

        The Church of the Holy Redeemer in Montfort had a busy time this

week.  After importing huge amounts of food to feed the hungry citizens,

who's numbers have been devastated by famine and plague, the scheduled

Cleansing was interrupted by assassins and rowdy citizens attacking the

Republican Forces. 

        Prominent local resident turned Inquisitor, Smith, engaged in a

running destructive spree on the streets of Montfort with several

unidentified men armed with high explosives, levelling the new orphanage,

and at least 15 other buildings before calling it a day and retiring to
the Dragons Inn. 

        Grand Inquisitor Blayne reappeared after being thought buried

alive, and with Deacon Geod proceeded to lead the massed Church forces

against the forces of the Politi, holed up in a building which

subsequently exploded, injuring over a dozen of the Church's finest, and

reportedly killing 4 locals held there by the Politi. 

        Snow and a goblin army disturbed the rioting in progress, but

failed to deter belligerent farmers from mobbing the Bank of Montfort,

that fortified structure wherein the Republic troops had withdrawn. 

Firestorms, poison gas attacks, earthquakes and a full fledged meteor sent

by Proctor John himself to express the Church's displeasure with their

ex-allies, failed to dislodge the entrenched Presidente Padilla. 

        A personal meeting between Grand Inquisitor Blayne and Presidente

Padilla paved the way for the withdrawal of the Republic forces, and

shortly thereafter the Republic collaborators went into hiding. 

        Two dragons made brief appearances during the chaos, assisting the

injured local populace who were subsequently removed to the Church and the

Dragons Inn and the abandoned MIME offices, those being the only intact,

undamaged structures still standing by the time the day ended. 

        Church healers and adventurers both tended to the wounded in large

numbers. One, Captain Jaime Eckert, was heard to reply that he would

personally lead an assault force to recover those kidnapped by a demon

during the chaos, just as soon as the Church recovered from their


        In the evening prayer services were held for those who had passed

on that day, including the two witches, Alain Fairchild and Uralia Felder,

and it was learned that due to the prayers of Proctor John himself, that

nearly 50 local citizens thought dead had been miraculously Healed by the

merciful Redeemer. 

        Already a few locals have petitioned that Proctor John be

considered for sainthood and the Church be considered as a pilgrimage

site, due to the miracle that occurred there. 


[Church/Politi/Cleansing]; by Megan Kornfield

        Kitrina Tvyvar, once an investigate reporter for this newspaper,

and who was presumed a prisoner of the Church of the Redeemer, reappeared

during the Cleansing. 

        Ms. Tvyvar denied that she had been "captured" by the Inquisitors,

but insisted that the Inquisitors instead had rescued her from the hands

of the Republic. "Grand Inquisitor Blayne has given me sanctuary within

the Church," Ms. Tvyvar explained, "as he has with Linnell Seris." 

        Linnell Seris is a former resident of the Weavers' House, target

of a prior Cleansing by the Grand Inquisitor.  As reported in a separate 

story in this issue, a group of mages belonging to the Politi Order lived 

in the Weavers' House.  Ms. Seris was an apprentice Politi mage.

        Ms. Tvyvar said that she is aware of the Church policy of

cleansing all magic-users who do not accept the mercy of the Redeemer. 

"I'm certain that the Grand Inquisitor hopes to bring the Politi into the

fold rather than simply executing them. 

        Ms. Tvyvar affirmed that she did attend the Cleansing, but while

the Grand Inquisitor and the Deacon Geod were involved in negiotiating

with the Politi for the release of the Lady Selene, Miss Tvyvar learned

through her sources that one of the condemned prisoners was Wyland, a

Politi journeyman.

        "I knew Linnell had been extremely concerned for her fellow

journeyman, and that he was of some importance to the Politi. I'm not sure

how he had come to be in the Church dungeons, or why he gave his name as

Alain Fairchild."  Nor did Ms. Tvyvar know much about Uralia Felder,

though there was some indication that she too was connected with the


        Ms. Tvyvar said that she took this information to Grand Inquisitor

Blayne in hopes that it would open up better communications between the

Church and the Politi.  Unfortunately, negotiations were interrupted by an

explosion set off by a suicidal mage, who had taken refuge in the building

with the Politi. Several Inquisitors were injured during this blast, and

an unknown number of citizens were killed. However, the Grand Inquisitor

was able to get both the Lady Selene and Ms. Tvyvar to safety. The Politi

also teleported to safety, and reappeared on the dias. 

        As to what happened after that, Ms.Tvyvar said it is all blurry to

her.  Within minutes of being teleported near the dais the Lady Selene

saved her life by knocking her to the ground when yet another explosion

occurred. The Lady Selene took severe wounds, but is reported to be

recuperating in the Church.  All Ms. Tvyvar does know is that the two

prisoners died during the blast. 


[Order]; by Dave Womack

                        PRESS RELEASE 

(The official Republica account from the

Office of Public Information for the Republic)


        The peace loving people of the Republic were horrified when

certain revolutionary elements attacked a peaceful festival without

provocation, and with no regard for the loss of innocent lives.  The

Presidente' took personal command of his own guards in order to protect

the people of Montfort, and successfully brought men, women, and children

to safety.  The Montfort unit of the Young Guardians distinguished

themselves in battle, following the lead of the Presidente in fighting the

cowardly rebels. 

        The rebels launched a foolish attack on the Montfort headquarters

of the Republic, failing miserably against superior weapons and tactics. 

Counterstrikes, ordered by the Presidente', succeeded in causing severe

damage to the enemy.  Fortunately, the rebels were so weakened by their

abortive attack that they ceased to be viable as opposition. 

        In high level negotiations, the Presidente's advisors assured him

that Montfort was no longer threatened by the rebellious enemies of the

people; since the Republic has no territorial aspirations beyond its own

borders, the Presidente' was pleased to transfer civil control of Montfort

to Proctor John of the Church of the Redeemer.  The peace having been

honorably secured, the Republic withdrew immediately.  The People of the

Republic extend their congratulations to the People of Montfort for

killing the rebel forces. 

*******************************LOCAL NEWS**********************************


[Politi/Church/Cleansing]; by Drywen Regelli

        The members of the Weavers' House suffered two more losses today

during the Cleansing conducted by the Church of the Redeemer.  Uralia

Felder, 18, an apprentice, and Wyland Koltke, 24, a journeyman from the

House, died on the pyre following a tense standoff between Grand

Inquisitor Blayne, with assorted Church personnel, and representatives of

the House. 

        Felder's and Koltke's deaths are the latest in a long string of

deaths at the hands of the Church.  Almost a week ago today, Grand

Inquisitor Blayne conducted his first Cleansing of the weavers.  With the

assistance of Deacon Geod, Proctor John, Captain Lattman and the

Blackskulls, and other Church personnel, the Grand Inquisitor surrounded

and attacked the Weavers' House.  In the course of that first attack, as

reported in this paper, three civilians were killed while attempting to
evacuate:  Michael Carr, husband to one of the weavers, was cut down by

Blackskulls; Jana Wells, wife and mother, was tortured and murdered by

Deacon Geod; and Neil Grayslake, an eighteen-year-old apprentice weaver,

was eviscerated by the Grand Inquisitor himself. 

        Most of the surviving members of the household were driven out

before the Church's unprovoked attack, though some remained behind
besieged by the Church.  In a final evacuation two days later, Johanna

Pierce, a master weaver, was slain by the Grand Inquisitor. 

        Koltke had been taken prisoner by the Grand Inquisitor a day 

before the original Cleansing.  Picked up in the marketplace with Linnell 

Seris, another weaver's apprentice, he had been in Church custody since.  

The grandson of Lanaera Koltke, the head of the House, Wyland Koltke came 

to Montfort eight years ago as an apprentice.  

        Felder was taken prisoner during the Cleansing of the House

itself.  A Claremont native, Felder joined the House three years ago. 

"They were little more than children," commented Kallin So, master weaver

and spokesman for the House.  "Neither committed any wrong against


        So, who has been a member of the House since its inception ten

years ago, confirmed that members of the guild were present during the

festival and Cleansing.  During the course of the rioting, So and two of

the journeywomen members of the household retreated with a number of

civilians -- including the Lady Selene, the Grand Inquisitor's consort --
to a building isolated from the fighting.    

        Once the fighting had passed, So attempted to evacuate the

civilians to safety; by that time, however, Church personnel had

surrounded the building.  Grand Inquisitor Blayne and Deacon Geod demanded

that the weavers turn themselves over to the Church.  The negotiations

ended abruptly when an unknown mage among the civilians set off an

explosion that produced, among other things, strange silver coinage,

fishbowls, and talking pink jackrabbits. Clouds of dragonflies were seen 

for hours after the explosion throughout Montfort.

        So and at least two other members of the House escaped the

explosion and moved to the dais, where Koltke and Felder had been placed

upon the pyre.  As So reported, both showed signs of having been

extensively tortured while in Church custody.  The Church Inquisitors had

cut off Felder's hands at the wrist and punctured one eye.  Koltke was

missing several fingers and exhibited signs of having been carved upon and


        By the time the Grand Inquisitor arrived at the dais, Koltke had

died from the combined effects of the torture and exposure to the fighting

and freak blizzard that fell over Montfort.  The Grand Inquisitor again

demanded that So and the weavers allow themselves to be taken into Church

custody.  So again refused, stating afterwards in a short interview,

"Having seen how Wyland and Uralia -- who had done nothing to provoke the

Grand Inquisitor -- were treated, I was understandably reluctant to place

myself in that position."  So and the other weavers evacuated from the

square shortly before yet another explosion destroyed the dais and

Koltke's and Felder's bodies with it. 

        Linnell Seris, 17, apprenticed to Lanaera Koltke, remains with the

Church.  As reported by Thomis Parch, who attended a dinner party last

night hosted by Grand Inquisitor Blayne, Ms. Seris is not suffering the

same torture inflicted upon Koltke and Felder.  Ms. Seris, however, did

not and still does not know, that the Grand Inquisitor -- her "host" --

conducted the Cleansing of the Weavers' House.  Lanaera Koltke, Wyland's

grandmother, is in seclusion and not available for comment. 


[Church/Politi/Order]; by Dave Womack

        This reporter interviewed several witnesses to the riot at the

Church festival, getting mixed stories on what had happened.  One older

woman said "Those Republic types, they just started killing everyone! I

lost my husband and two sons to them!  If it weren't for Grand Inquisitor

Blayne, they would have killed us all!"  Other witnesses seemed to agree,

adding "I saw 'em!  Up on top of the Bank..when they tried to kill all the

healers!  String 'em up, I say!" 

        Other witnesses seemed convinced that the Republic has been

attacked, and several said they had seen numerous other attacks at the

same time Blayne was targeted.  All agreed that the town has suffered

grievous damage. 

        As to the apparent attack against the Republic, which the Republic

spokesman claimed originated with the resistance, the destruction of

Montfort was nearly complete.  Only strongly warded buildings survived

undamaged, and it appears that the entire town must be rebuilt.  One older

man was heard to say "It was like the end of the world...", and for many

in Montfort, it was. 


[Church]; by Jack Smith

        Various sources had claimed that much of the destruction of

Montfort was caused by Smith, a 2 year resident of the city, in an

apparently random string of violent episodes.  One matron commented "It

was Smith alright!  I'd know those sunglasses anywhere, even if he did

dress up in Inquisitor robes.  I always knew he'd be trouble;  him and

those dragons he hung around with!"  Her opinions were corroborated by

numerous other eyewitnesses.  Several people affirmed that he had

unleashed destruction on crowds of people, with no apparent reason, or

attempt to minimize collateral damage. 

        Following up the story with other interviews, a pattern of large

scale destruction emerged;  explosions, plagues and diseases, and a bright

flash superceeded only by the Church's attack on the Bank.  Curiously, a

message in the sky that said 'Dragon's Inn' seemed to also be Smith's


        Confronted at the Inn, where he seemed to be enjoying a snack,

Smith looked surprised and replied, "I'm shocked by these accusations!

Shocked!  These people have not a shred of evidence, except some

sunglasses.  I realize they're hurt and frightened, but that's no reason

to make false charges!"  When asked if he intends to donate some of his

magical ability to rebuilding Montfort, he replied "I certainly want to

give something back to this community!" while giving the impression that

he'd like to give it more destruction. Asked whether he's concerned that

he might be arrested, he smirked and replied "For what, having a meal?" 


[Church/Square/Politi]; by Boyd Boedeker

       After the assassination attempt the square broke out in rioting

prodded by the Church's call for a search for 'Witches' hidden in the

crowd. Confusion soon reigned in the square, most of the crowd trying to

leave the square, when troops from the Republic; in an effort to protect

their President started fire at the anyone in their way. 

        The worse act that happened was the Republic's killing of

innocents in their effort to leave the square. They also made effort to

further confuse the issue by killing a group of Church healers in the

crowd. The Church in response withdrew all their remaining healers until

well after the battle was over. 

        This seems to have started a strange set of events.  A female mage

of unknown power and purpose appeared and shielded many from death. There

also seems to have been a hidden accomplice whom under the guise of smoke

and fire removed many from the battle. Those rescued have little

remembrance of where they appeared but recalled being burned alive. The

local bookstore served as an aid station to those who escaped the


        There is also a report of a mage, who claimed to represent a new

mage guild saving numerous people and showing them a golden ring he said

would represent the new guild. The new guild is still just a rumor.

        Madge Butterton, a kitchen worker at the Church verified the claim

that a dragon had appeared and torn down a building. Ms. Butterton could

not say, however, how and why this dragon appeared. 

        The greatest damage to the square seemed to have been caused by a

mage assault on the Bank. The ensuing explosion caused the physical

destruction of many local buildings and the following fires claimed many




by Megan Kornfield 

        A contigent of the Republica's Young Guardians came under attack

during the Cleansing riots. The Young Guardians had come for a morning
ceremony to dedicate a new park to Presidente' Padilla. The project was

headed by Lt. Javier of the Republica's Foreign Legion, and involved the

children in designing and creating the park along lines popular within the


        The ceremony itself went without flaw, but the Young Guardians did

not remain unmolested once the rioting broke out after the assassination

attempts on Grand Inquisitor Blayne and Deacon Geod.  Laurelyn Hillrover,

who had been hired by the Republic as a storyteller for the Young

Guardians, and who had been their speech coach, was willing to give an


        Ms. Hillrover said that the turn of events "was wholly

unexpected,"  and explained, "The Young Guardians' orders were to attend

the Cleansing as a show of solidarity between the Church of the Redeemer

and the Republic."  Ms. Hillrover denied that there been any comments

amongst the troops that an attack on Church personnel was planned. 

        "Some of the rioters were completely bloodthirsty and willing to

attack anything in their way," the obviously angry storyteller continued.

As Ms. Hillrover reported, the seven Foreign Legionnaires -- led by Lt. 

Javier -- and the Young Guardians were hard pressed until a Limpia squad

came to their aid. Even then their casualities were high - four of the

Legionnaires and Captain DeLeon of the Limpia were killed. Their rescue

came when Presidente' Padilla led his personal troops to the Young

Guardians' aid. 


[Hunt]; by Alec Greentoe

        Montfort witnessed conflicts other than those among Resistance,

Church, and Republic in the past few days.  During the madness of the riot

this week, the elf known as Nallix Black-cloak and a lady companion

identified as Azuria Cromwell were attacked by an unknown assailant. 

        Terrified witnesses claim to have seem a "winged wolf."  As

reported by John Sunley, 38, a local resident, Nallix attacked a young boy

on the back of the "wolf" and proceeded to return the attack of the

creature.  Nallix was then shot down from the air by a fireball or unknown

origin.  The Lady Azuria rescued the elf, and they both disappeared. 



by Blake of St.Clair 


        In the wake of the Cleansing Festivial Disaster, startling news

has been oncovered.  Several witnesses claim to have seen "monsters and
demons" loose at the event.  Jaylla Wintercrow, an elven dancer and

musician, had this to say: 

        "It was just before the madness started.  I was on my way to the

square to play for the crowd, when this thing attacked me.  It just came

out of nowhere.  Crawled right out of my shadow!  Then it threatened to

eat me and started to chase me into an alley.  It was horrid!  Scaly and

huge, with fangs and claws and a snake's head.  Then, just when I thought

I was going to die, I heard the first explosion and it just disappeared.  I
think it left for the square, but I ran all the way to the nearest inn and


        Also preceeding the outbreak of hostilities, a travelling merchant

named Fenton Mudd claimed to have seen other different monsters. 

According to Mr. Mudd, a man and woman on horseback came barreling through

the side road, being chased by a "monsterous wolf-beast thingy" with bat

wings and being ridden by a young boy.  As the beast attacked, the man

"slashed the boy's neck from ear ta ear and drank 'em dry 'o blood" then

with eyes that "glowed like tha very fires 'a hell" he took flight to

fight the monster wolf. 

        The woman who was described only as wearing blue robes and being

young also began flying.  After several mid-air clashes, the wolf

disappeared as chaos broke out.  At that time, a group of mages assailed

the flying man with fireballs and lightning.  However, witnesses claim to
have seen both Rebublic and Church mages attack the man in black; thus his

identity and affiliation both are unknown.  Several other survivors

verified the fight between the wolf-beast and the black clad man.  [See 

separate story by Alec Greentoe.]

        One other source, a small greenish frog-like creature found amid

the ruins after the influx of strange objects claims to have seen the

snake-monster but when asked to elaborate would only reply, "He got Fritz! 

That lousy stinking snake!  He got Fritz!"  The froggish creature,

however, was unable to answer the question of why so many monsterous

creatures were seen prior to the attack on Deacon Geod and Grand
Inquisitor Blayne. 

*****************GOSSIP:  WHO'S NEW IN THE DRAGON'S INN********************

        As you can see from the various stories from free-lance 

contributors above, it has been a busy week in Montfort.  Burning mages 

at the stake, oppression of innocents, wanton destruction by mysterious 

sun-glassed individuals...  Despite these this -- which, honestly, would 

*should* have a deleterious effect on the tourist trade -- it was a 

fairly busy time in the Dragon's Inn.  Busier than this roll-call would 

imply, given that I managed to miss probably 30% of the "new character" 

and "new thread" introductions.  Those I *did* manage to catch include:

        Young Prince Yarack (ujchoi@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu) of the Cloaked

Citadel, believed to have murdered his father, King Albreck; Raven

(havoc@zone.ca) [not to be confused with Raven (V) or Raven (M)], who came

to challenge Montfort's "champion" and ended up dueling Selene, the Grand

Inquisitor's fiery consort; Metrofax (tbutler@airmail.net), a wandering

wizardly gnoll; 

        Corson (aloha@deltafire.com), a lovely young woman with hair as

blue as her eyes, in search of assistance and who may have found it from

not only BaLi (lohmann@fwi.uva.nl), a yellow-eyed young dragon, but also

Darius (dachua@po.pacific.net.sg) a young but weatherbeaten mercenary;

        Jerad Tharas (knmcarr@world2u.com), who awoke from a battle to

find his father murdered; Tanial Merriweather (danny@msm-ltd.demon.co.uk)

a handsome half-elf cursed to speaking in rhyme, in search of a quest;

Silverbrow (danny@msm-ltd.demon.co.uk), who floated into the common room

in search of a lady named Alustria from Berovia; Invus (jcippa@mnsi.net)

and his familiar Kinn, seeking companions to escort them to Metputtn,

"through the Western Way of course"; 

        Cyrilla, a sorceress, and her unnamed blue-lipped companion

(ekallen@cweg.com); Quicksilver of clan Galahant (dcostley@nortel.ca), a

green-eyed red-haired elf who can shift into panther form; Torvald

Torvaldson (SELLWOOD@mhz.com), a dwarf fond of beer; the young Calin

(myrawebb@mont.mindspring.com) [not to be confused with the kender Calin

Shadowdancer], who doesn't look dangerous but who can "kill a man 50

metres away with a dull pencil"; 

        Ghim, son of Carok (Warlock@ocis.com), a grizzled dwarven warrior

carrying a "luminous battle-axe"; Bhak (jcippa@mnsi.net), one of the

few-surviving Kin'Ta, in search of bounty-hunters or adventurers;

Elizabeth (skruffy@aol.com), a lost bard carrying a saxophone who played

the blues in the common room; Cardine and his sister Salendra Felix, Sares

with the flaming hair and the dark elf Syahqadhan (cll@pl.jaring.my);

Shaylock (swaan@sklib.usask.ca), a striking fellow who "seems more as if

he had been dead for a long time"; and Pilot (mcox@ihug.co.nz), a

level-headed off-worlder who took up an offer by Bryce Amberghylles

(player unknown) to help recover Bryce's beloved from evil kidnapers. 

        Several new threads have launched recently.  [Bards] has been

started with Karyn Silversheen (patrick.ocampo@utoronto.ca), Caylock (Boyd

Boedeker), and Othello (address unknown).  Perhaps the lost bard Elizabeth

would make a good addition. 

        [Mannequin] began with the introduction of the title character

(danny@msm-ltd.demon.co.uk), an androgynous villain who has clashed with

Triton (lohmann@fwi.uva.nl).  Other potential vict-- er, cast members

include:  Korsak, Father Jon, and Zen (danny@msm-ltd.demon.co.uk), who

arrived under attack by a werewolf and Kir-Dragon; and Killjoy 

(tbutler@airmail.net), an arms-dealer, assassin, smuggler, and 

swordsman who loathes werewolves.

        Morgaine (ruth.hesterly@airsep.com) of the Wood Elves, who has

come to Montfort in search of her father, has yet to pick up any other

players to assist in her search.  [Dragon Hunters] seems to be buzzing

along, Rune (address unknown) having picked up (among others):  Terrant

(rilrama@juno.com); Jacques the jester (mcox@ihug.co.nz), Jeeni

(Heidi_Hough@i-link.net); and Januas (player unknown).  [Coliseum] has 

started with the arrival of Taverner Corby (micele@sirius.com).

        Finally, in the midst of all the madness at the festival, the

[Church/Politi] thread added a couple of new recruits.  First, Girnosh

(tbutler@airmail.net) has joined as an "orphaned" vampire "adopted" by

Grand Inquisitor Blayne.  The snaky assassin Its'shyn (skruffy@aol.com)

made his debut at the Cleansing and is now hunting the sly half-elf thief

Silverfox (btrwkart@thunder.ocis.temple.edu). 

        There you have it, for what it's worth...







***************  Come Celebrate the Coronation ***************


                    Quisling Brother's

                    Circus of Renown

        Thrills, Chills and Fun for the Whole Family

               Coming to Montfort -- Soon!



Come to the

        B E S T   B O O K S T O R E   I N   T O W N


- first class reading          - ancient manuscripts of power

- foreign literature           - all sort of maps

- Sage advice of any kind      - reasonable rates

        Visit Librandt's Bookstore at any hour, you can find

        it just below the bright yellow sign. Up to date

        directions are floating around on a magical panel

                 through The Red Dragons Inn.

                Come soon you will not regret it




                   ****   PERSONALS   ****



The Order of the Hawk signifies the precision and skill 

required of all who seek fame and glory. We train the 'jack 

of all trades'. Contact Bhak at the Tower of Timantheus 

outside of  Montfort. Those skilled enough, and daring 

enough for the matter, will be allowed to join. 


          Assistant Guildmaster Chandle




...for your salvation is at hand.  Come to the Church of the 

Holy Redeemer each morning at sunrise and find the happiness 

already afforded many of your neighbors.  The Church is here 

for you, be you of high blood or low, rich or poor it matters 

not to us.  We are here for your soul! 



Lovely red-headed vampire seeks dinnerc companions and 

regular blood donors.  Include full-length photo with all




            ****   WANT ADS   ****




   Merchant seeks craftsmen and laborers

      of all types for new enterprise.

Stonecutters, carpenters, masons, blacksmiths,

 lumberjacks, cooks, wagoneers, and general

      laborers needed in quantity.

            High Weekly Pay!

     Only the hardworking need apply!

Also needed are a limited number of well-trained

     mercenary gaurds and an accountant.

Apply at the tent on the East Edge of the Square,

  On thursday the feast of Torrin the Blessed


                        ----Taverner Corby



             Your House Burn Down?

           Don't sweat it... sell it.

       Wealthy stranger, new to town, seeks

      damaged or destroyed homes and estates

       east of the town square for purchase.

              Silver paid on the spot.


                        ---Taverner Corby




        The interplanetary corporation of Hither Thither

and Yon Oddities would like to announce a new opening in St.

Yerron, on the planet of Loria.  The first hundred customers

get a free gift certificate for two free fish curls at

Gerrok's Tavern.  For  reservations contact Erzats c/o

(samsong@earthlink.net), or for more info, set you magical

document viewers to: <a href="http://home.earthlink.net/~samsong/">http://home.earthlink.net/~samsong/</a>


PLAYERS WANTED for [draft] thread; must have tendency to 

forget to edit "Subject:" line before posting to the ad-i 
newsgroup.  The edit-impaired should contact Cathy Mosley at 




Anyone who can give information leading to the arrest of

former Deaconess, Thai Silverrun, will receive 1,000 pieces

of gold and the eternal gratitude of the Holy Church. If you

have such information, contact Inquisitor Blayne at the Church

of the Holy Redeemer in Montfort to collect your reward.


CELEBRANTS SOUGHT:  Anyone interested in participating in the 

[King] thread or in helping to crown that hero to millions 

(of fleas), Robert I, heir to the throne of Claremont, should 

contact Jon Endicott at &lt;sand@iglou.com&gt;.  Thank you for your




from long ago? Do you want to know the beginning of the Church?

Did you know that a Dragon attacked the Inn a year ago today?

Well, if the answer is YES to any of these question and you would

like to read some of the old posts from the Dragon's Inn,

assistance is only an email away.  Just send a request to:

wmvon@airmail.net and I'll dig it up for you.  All that is needed

is time frame, character name, thread name, or even give me all

of it ... and &lt;poof&gt; it is in your mailbox, all 100 meg worth.  I

have posts from 8/95 to the present; posts from 4/95 to 7/95 are

scattered in my database somewhere.

And you ask what is the charge for this service?  Well, the

answer is 'dinner,' if I ever come to your part of town.  If I

never show up, then the service is *FREE*.  Yes, that is what I

said, FREE.  No string, no rings.  Well, it will eat up a lot of
your harddrive space.

Just let me know and it is yours..

         See you at the Inn..

                              -Von; tyal@why.net

P.S.  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you my favorite food is... 

Just guess for now.  I hate traveling...



[Admin: the following are examples]



Example:  The [Macho] group has just lost its healer. We are

desperate for another.  Inquire at the Dragon's Inn, ask for
Bruno (bruno@macho.org) -This would be someone's actual email




Example:  The [Churchianity] group needs another arch villain

to work with Proctor Johannus.  Must look human and work

well with commoners.  Magical ability a must, illusionism

a plus.



**********************WHERE TO SEND SUBMISSIONS**********************

     FOREIGN <a href="NEWS">NEWS</a>:  The Mime offices are always eager for out-of-

town news.  Please send all submissions to Allercan Casour, c/o 


     LOCAL NEWS:  For those of you closer to the home front, we 

will be pleased to receive submissions or leads about the goings-

on around Montfort.  Contact Zan c/o shansu@axxis.com.

     LETTERS TO THE EDITOR:  If you would like to express your 

views on something you have seen in the MIME, or events in 

Montfort or elsewhere (plus see your name in print), address your 

letter to Rosh Valdokka, Editor-in-Chief, c/o 

     CLASSIFIEDS/ADS:  Classified ads, personals, and advertising 

of all kinds should be submitted to Trouble Windwalk, c/o 

gtraxler@holli.com; please cc rdw1@midway.uchicago.edu.

     GOSSIP:  If you are a new arrival at the Dragon's Inn, and 

want to have some control over how you are written up in the 

gossip column, please submit information to Drywen Regelli, c/o 

