Bokunh Island

-military staged a bloody coup and seized the executive mansion

-enemy forces consist of 30 humanoids (red skinned but otherwise use human stats) armed with a mix of laser rifles and automatic rifles and 1 heavy laser

-the governor has demanded his home and its priceless heirlooms not be destroyed, therefore the enemy cannot be engaged by heavy weapons, infantry weapons only and no explosives

-two failed assaults, Montroc is WIA and Skob is made a POW

-to assault it the Legion has to foot pound it across reefs and through a swamp (count it as Bog)

-Skob escapes and makes it back to camp with Montroc's ID plate and gloves

-in the water are Whip Mandibores who attack anything that moves

-find Montroc about to become Mandibore food and badly wounded

Whip Madibore

Type: Large Carnivore
Number: 1-2
Move: Medium (60m/turn)
IM/RS: 5/50
STA: 75
Attack: 65
Damage: 2d10
Special Attack: None
Special Defense: None