Richard Dorsleigh

AGL 10 STR 14 CON 10 COM 9

EGO 12 CHA 10 PER 16 EDU 3

Age: 43 Height: 160 Weight: 75 #Actions: 2

Move: 5 Init Bonus: 0 Dmg Bonus: +1 Mental Balance: -10

Damage Capacity: 4 scr = 1 lgt 3 lgt = sw 3 sw = 1 fw

Advantages: Code of Honour (professional attitude)

Disadvantages: Greed, Egotist

Skills: Rifle 12 Impact Weapons 14

Interrogation 12 Unarmed Combat 10

Dorsleigh is the oldest of the captains, a veteran of 20 years at Sandburn. He was born in Harrow outside London and worked in the harbour at the Isle of Dogs before he came to the prison. He has built his entire life around the prison and rarely goes outside the walls. Rick is short but powerfully built. He is balding and his face is usually covered with beard stubble. He wears the blue guards uniform and chews tobacco.

A practical man who does his job and does not care about anything else. He has seen a number of Governors come and go and does what they tell him to do. He is paternalistic towards the younger guards, trying to foster them in their profession.