The Psi Test

Welcome to the Psi Test!

Think you might be psychic? Able to tell the future? Or just plain lucky at picking cards? Then give the test a shot. It only takes a few minutes, and is actually pretty fun. All you have to do is, when presented with the 'cards', concentrate on what image will appear when you click on each card. The one you want to choose will have a green circle....all others will have a red X. Choose the right card, and you can move on to the next, and more difficult level. There are 3 levels of card selection, followed by a fourth, more difficult phase. While successful completion of any or all levels by no means guarantees you possess psychic abilities, it can be fun to try. To begin, simply click on the brain below and begin Level 1 of the Psi Test! And come back regularly! The location of the correct card will be updated regularly, in case your psychic abilities are a bit weaker on some days than others.

people have tested their psychic abilities.
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